


modding:type [2022/08/19 01:51] – old revision restored (2022/03/20 14:59) [2022/08/19 04:51] (当前版本) – old revision restored (2022/03/27 17:31)
行 1: 行 1:
 +====== 类型 ======
 +在[[https://mindustrygame.github.io/docs/deprecated-list.html|Mindustry Javadoc]](随即跟进)查看**不推荐使用**的类和方法。
 +所有的 json 示例都来自 BuleWolf3682 的[[https://github.com/BlueWolf3682/Exotic-Mod| Exotic Mod]](已经没了)。仅供参考,不要直接粘贴到你的 mod 中,可能不会工作!
 +===== Block =====
 +==== Block ====
 +|separateItem Capacity|boolean|false|如果值为true,那么方块的物品容量会被分割。注:原类型名无空格,此处排版需要|
 +|bars|BlockBars|new BlockBars()|值意义不明,需要js/java支持,用于显示生命值之类的条|
 +|comsumes|Consumers|new Consumers()|值为物品的消耗器,内部值在下方说明|
 +|lastConfig|Object|null|值为对象,需要js/java支持   此值是为了saveConfig,没必要手动赋值|
 +|saveData|boolean|false|仅供静态方块使用,如果值为true,那么方块的data()会存入world data|
 +|rebuildable|boolean|false|如果值为true,那么被损毁的此类方块加入 brokenblocks,false则产生钍反应堆破坏不重建的效果|
 +|attributes|Attributes|new Attributes()|值为特定物品的属性表,疑需要js/java支持|
 +|expended|boolean|false|不推荐使用,请改用clipSize。它不起任何作用,保留它是为了保持与 v6 模组的兼容性。|
 +|group|BlockGroup|false|值为方块所在的组,除非"replaceable"字段设置为 false ,否则相同组里的方块可以互相覆盖)|
 +|flags|EnumSet|of()|值为方块的标志,用于 AI 索引|
 +|unitCapModifier|int|0|这个区块对单位上限的影响程度,必须同时拥有 unitModifier 才能工作!|
 +|consumesTap|boolean|true |如果值为true,那么|
 +|subclass|Class<?>|class mindustry.world.Block|如果值为true,那么|
 +|configurations|ObjectMap<Class<?>,Cons2>|new ObjectMap<>()|如果值为true,那么|
 +==== Accelerator ====
 +==== Airblock ===
 +==== ArmoredConduit ====
 +==== ArmoredConveyor ====
 +==== AttributeCrafter ====
 +==== BallisticSilo ====
 +==== BaseTurret ====
 +==== Battery ====
 +==== BeamDrill ====
 +==== BufferedItemBridge ====
 +==== BurnerGenerator ====
 +==== Bush ====
 +==== Cliff ====
 +==== CommandCenter ====
 +==== Conduit ====
 +==== Constructor ====
 +==== Conveyor ====
 +==== CoreBlock ====
 +==== DecayGenerator ====
 +==== Door ====
 +==== Drill ====
 +==== Duct ====
 +==== DuctBridge ====
 +==== DuctRouter ====
 +==== Floor ====
 +==== EmptyFloor ====
 +==== ForceProjector ====
 +==== Fracker ====
 +==== GenericCrafter ====
 +==== ImpactReactor ====
 +==== Incinerator ====
 +==== ItemBridge ====
 +==== ItemLiquidGenerator ====
 +may to do
 +==== ItemSource ====
 +==== ItemTurret ====
 +==== ItemVoid ====
 +==== Junction ====
 +todo something new here to find out
 +==== LaserTurret ====
 +==== LaunchPad ====
 +==== LightBlock ====
 +==== LiquidBlock ====
 +==== LiquidBridge==== 
 +==== LiquidConverter ====
 +==== LiquidJunction ====
 +==== LiquidRouter ====
 +==== LiquidSource ====
 +==== LiquidTurret ====
 +==== LiquidVoid ====
 +==== LogicBlock ====
 +==== LogicDisplay ====
 +==== MassDriver ====
 +==== MemoryBlock ====
 +==== MendProjector ====
 +==== MessageBlock ====
 +==== PowerGenerator ====
 +==== NuclearReactor ====
 +==== NuclearWarhead ====
 +==== OreBlock ====
 +==== OverdriveProjector ====
 +==== OverflowGate ====
 +==== OverlayFloor ====
 +==== PayloadBlock ====
 +==== PayloadConveyor ====
 +==== PayloadDeconstructor ====
 +==== PayloadLoader ====
 +==== PayloadMassDriver ====
 +==== PayloadRouter ====
 +==== PayloadSource ====
 +==== PayloadUnloader ====
 +==== PayloadVoid ====
 +==== PointDefenseTurret ====
 +==== PowerBlock ====
 +==== PowerDiode ====
 +==== PowerDistributor ====
 +==== PowerNode ====
 +==== PowerSource ====
 +something differnt
 +==== PowerTurret ====
 +==== PowerVoid ====
 +==== Prop ====
 +==== Pump ====
 +==== Reconstructor ====
 +==== ReloadTurret ====
 +==== RepairPoint ====
 +==== **Router** ====
 +==== Separator ====
 +==== ShallowLiquid ====
 +Do not use in mods
 +==== ShockMine ====
 +==== SingleBlockProducer ====
 +==== SingleTypeGenerator ====
 +==== SolarGenerator ====
 +==== SolidPump ====
 +==== Sorter ====
 +==== SpawnBlock ====
 +==== StackConveyor ====
 +==== StaticWall ====
 +==== StaticClusterWall ====
 +==== StaticTree ====
 +==== StorageBlock ====
 +==== SwitchBlock ====
 +==== ThermalGenerator ====
 +==== Thruster ====
 +==== TractorBeamTurret ====
 +==== TreeBlock ====
 +==== Turret ====
 +==== UnitBlock ====
 +==== UnitFactory ====
 +==== Unloader ====
 +==== Wall ====
 +==== WallOreBlock ====
 +==== WavingProp ====
 +==== WobbleProp ====
 +===== Bullet =====
 +''artilleryDense artilleryPlastic artilleryPlasticFrag artilleryHoming artilleryIncendiary artilleryExplosive flakScrap flakLead flakGlass flakGlassFrag fragGlass fragExplosive fragPlastic fragSurge fragGlassFrag fragPlasticFrag missileExplosive missileIncendiary missileSurge standardCopper standardDense standardThorium standardHoming standardIncendiary standardDenseBig standardThoriumBig standardIncendiaryBig waterShot cryoShot slagShot oilShot heavyWaterShot heavyCryoShot heavySlagShot heavyOilShot damageLightning damageLightningGround fireball basicFlame pyraFlame ''
 +==== BulletType ====
 +==== BasicBulletType ====
 +==== ArtilleryBulletType ====
 +==== BombBulletType ====
 +==== ContinuousLaserBulletType ====
 +==== EmpBulletType ====
 +==== FireBulletType ====
 +==== FlakBulletType ====
 +==== LaserBoltBulletType ====
 +==== LaserBulletType ====
 +==== LightningBulletType ====
 +==== LiquidBulletType ====
 +==== MassDriverBolt ====
 +==== MissileBulletType ====
 +==== PointBulletType ====
 +==== RailBulletType ====
 +==== SapBulletType ====
 +==== ShrapnelBulletType ====
 +===== Effect =====
 +==== Effect ====
 +==== ExplosionEffect ====
 +==== MultiEffect ====
 +==== ParticleEffect ====
 +==== WaveEffect ====
 +===== Item =====
 +===== Liquid =====
 +===== Status =====
 +===== Unit =====
 +===== Weather =====
 +==== Weather ====
 +==== MagneticStorm ====
 +==== ParticleWeather ====
 +==== RainWeather ====
 +==== SolarFlare ====
 +===== Other =====
 +==== Ability ====
 +==== DrawBlock ====
 +==== DrawAnimation ====
 +==== DrawArcSmelter ====
 +==== DrawCells ====
 +==== DrawCultivator ====
 +==== DrawGlow ====
 +==== DrawLiquid ====
 +==== DrawMixer ====
 +==== DrawRotator ====
 +==== DrawSmelter ====
 +==== DrawWeave ====
 +==== EnergyFieldAbility ====
 +==== ForceFieldAbility ====
 +==== MoveLightningAbility ====
 +==== Weapon ====
 +==== PointDefenseWeapon ====
 +==== RepairBeamWeapon ====
 +==== RepairFieldAbility ====
 +==== ShieldRegenFieldAbility ====
 +==== StatusFieldAbility ====
 +==== UnitSpawnAbility ====
 +===== BuildVisibility =====
 +===== BlockGroup =====
 +===== ItemStack =====
 +===== LiquidStack =====
 +===== Category =====
 +===== Color =====
 +===== CacheLayer =====
 +===== TargetPriority =====