====== (临时)v7开发接口表 ======
# Block
## Block
*继承于 [UnlockableContent](#unlockablecontent)*
|outputsPower|boolean|false|是否为发电机,即提供电力 |
|acceptsPayload|boolean|false| 是否允许载荷进入此方块|
|acceptsItems|boolean|false|虚拟标记,用于混带 |
|itemCapacity|int|10|此方块物品数量最大值(通常是每种各自拥有上限) |
|liquidCapacity|float|10.0|在 hasLiquids 设置为 true时,这个值是液体数量总计最大值 |
|outputFacing|boolean|true| 如果可用,是否向面朝方向输出|
|lastConfig|Object|null|上一个配置值将会直接应用在此建筑 |
|saveConfig|boolean|false|是否保存配置并应用于下一个建筑(译者注:是否产生分类器保存选择物品的效果) |
|clearOnDoubleTap|boolean|false|是否双击即可清空配置 |
|destructible|boolean|false|是否拥有血量且允许被破坏 |
|solid|boolean|false|是否是solid的 |
|solidifes|boolean|false|是否可以为solid |
|underBullets|boolean|false|是否让炮塔除精确打中时都不能攻击此方块 |
|invertFlip|boolean|false|如果为true,那么包含此方块的蓝图翻转时此物品相反改变 。|
|placeableLiquid|boolean|false|是否可以放置于流体上 |
|placeablePlayer|boolean|true|方块是否可以直接由玩家通过PlacementFragment放置 |
|noUpdateDisabled|boolean|false|是否在禁用时停止更新 |
|attributes|Attributes|new Attributes()|特定事物的影响|
|destroyBullet|BulletType|null| 被摧毁时生成的炮弹|
|size|int|1|方块尺寸 |
|offset|float|0.0|方块迭代 |
|sizeOffset|int|0|迭代器 (仅用于内部类) |
|clipSize|float|-1.0|方块的剪切大小,应该和长得一样大 |
|placeOverlapRange|float|50.0|启用时,敌方方块会有范围检查 |
|forceDark|boolean|false|如果值为true,即使synthetic,也会显示黑暗或迷雾 |
|replaceable|boolean|true|如果值为false,那么就不能被覆盖 |
|priority|float|0.0|敌军的攻击优先级. |
|configurable|boolean|false|此方块是否单击并弹出选择框 |
|allowConfigInventory|boolean|true|是否在配置上显示内容物存量 |
|logicConfigurable|boolean|false|是否可被逻辑设置 |
|envEnabled|int|1|任一必须的环境标记,1为所有环境 |
|sync|boolean|false|是否定期在网络上同步 |
|conveyorPlacement|boolean|false|是否使用传送带建造模式. |
|allowDiagonal|boolean|true|如果值为false,则斜线建造不起作用 |
|swapDiagonalPlacement|boolean|false|是否交换直线与斜线建造模式 |
|mapColor|Color|000000ff|小地图颜色,最好不要手动设置,大多数情况下都会被覆盖 |
|hasColor|boolean|false|是否拥有小地图颜色 |
|attacks|boolean|false|If true, this block attacks and is considered a turret in the indexer. Building must implement Ranged. |
|suppressable|boolean|false|If true, this block is mending-related and can be suppressed with special units/missiles. |
|canOverdrive|boolean|true|Whether the overdrive core has any effect on this block. |
|outlineColor|Color|404049ff|Outlined icon color. |
|outlineIcon|boolean|false|Whether any icon region has an outline added. |
|outlineRadius|int|4|Outline icon radius. |
|outlinedIcon|int|-1|Which of the icon regions gets the outline added. Uses last icon if <= 0. |
|hasShadow|boolean|true|Whether this block has a shadow under it. |
|customShadow|boolean|false|If true, a custom shadow (name-shadow) is drawn under this block. |
|placePitchChange|boolean|true|Should the sound made when this block is built change in pitch. |
|breakPitchChange|boolean|true|Should the sound made when this block is deconstructed change in pitch. |
|placeSound|Sound|place|Sound made when this block is built. |
|breakSound|Sound|breaks|Sound made when this block is deconstructed. |
|destroySound|Sound|boom|Sounds made when this block is destroyed. |
|albedo|float|0.0|How reflective this block is. |
|lightColor|Color|ffffffff|Environmental passive light color. |
|emitLight|boolean|false|Whether this environmental block passively emits light. Does not change behavior for non-environmental blocks, but still updates clipSize. |
|lightRadius|float|60.0|Radius of the light emitted by this block. |
|fogRadius|int|-1|How much fog this block uncovers, in tiles. Cannot be dynamic. <= 0 to disable. |
|loopSound|Sound|none|The sound that this block makes while active. One sound loop. Do not overuse. |
|loopSoundVolume|float|0.5|Active sound base volume. |
|ambientSound|Sound|none|The sound that this block makes while idle. Uses one sound loop for all blocks. |
|ambientSoundVolume|float|0.05|Idle sound base volume. |
|requirements|ItemStack[]|[]|Cost of constructing this block. |
|category|Category|distribution|Category in place menu. |
|buildCost|float|20.0|Time to build this block in ticks; do not modify directly! |
|buildVisibility|BuildVisibility|hidden|Whether this block is visible and can currently be built. |
|buildCostMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplier for speed of building this block. |
|deconstructThreshold|float|0.0|Build completion at which deconstruction finishes. |
|instantDeconstruct|boolean|false|If true, this block deconstructs immediately. Instant deconstruction implies no resource refund. |
|breakEffect|Effect|breakBlock|Effect for breaking the block. Passes size as rotation. |
|destroyEffect|Effect|dynamicExplosion|Effect for destroying the block. |
|researchCostMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplier for cost of research in tech tree. |
|researchCostMultipliers|ObjectFloatMap- |new ObjectFloatMap<>()|Cost multipliers per-item. |
|researchCost|ItemStack[]|null|Override for research cost. Uses multipliers above and building requirements if not set. |
|instantTransfer|boolean|false|Whether this block has instant transfer. |
|quickRotate|boolean|true|Whether you can rotate this block after it is placed. |
|subclass|Class>|class mindustry.world.Block|Main subclass. Non-anonymous. |
|highUnloadPriority|boolean|false|Determines if this block gets a higher unloader priority. |
|selectScroll|float|0.0|Scroll position for certain blocks. |
|buildType|Prov|null|Building that is created for this block. Initialized in init() via reflection. Set manually if modded. |
|configurations|ObjectMap,Cons2>|new ObjectMap<>()|Configuration handlers by type. |
|itemFilter|boolean[]|[]|Consumption filters. |
|liquidFilter|boolean[]|[]|Consumption filters. |
|consumers|Consume[]|[]|Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init(). |
|optionalConsumers|Consume[]|[]|Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init(). |
|nonOptionalConsumers|Consume[]|[]|Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init(). |
|updateConsumers|Consume[]|[]|Array of consumers used by this block. Only populated after init(). |
|hasConsumers|boolean|false|Set to true if this block has any consumers in its array. |
|consPower|ConsumePower|null|The single power consumer, if applicable. |
|regionRotated1|int|-1|Regions indexes from icons() that are rotated. If either of these is not -1, other regions won't be rotated in ConstructBlocks. |
|regionRotated2|int|-1|Regions indexes from icons() that are rotated. If either of these is not -1, other regions won't be rotated in ConstructBlocks. |
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
|editorIcon|TextureRegion|null| |
|customShadowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|teamRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|teamRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|variantRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|variantShadowRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
## Accelerator
*extends [Block](#block)*
|arrowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|launching|Block|coreNucleus| |
|capacities|int[]|[]| |
## AirBlock
*extends [Floor](#floor)*
## ArmoredConduit
*extends [Conduit](#conduit)*
## ArmoredConveyor
*extends [Conveyor](#conveyor)*
## AttributeCrafter
*extends [GenericCrafter](#genericcrafter)*
A crafter that gains efficiency from attribute tiles.
|attribute|Attribute|heat| |
|baseEfficiency|float|1.0| |
|boostScale|float|1.0| |
|maxBoost|float|1.0| |
|minEfficiency|float|-1.0| |
|displayEfficiencyScale|float|1.0| |
|displayEfficiency|boolean|true| |
## AutoDoor
*extends [Wall](#wall)*
|timerToggle|int|1| |
|checkInterval|float|20.0| |
|openfx|Effect|dooropen| |
|closefx|Effect|doorclose| |
|doorSound|Sound|door| |
|openRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|triggerMargin|float|10.0| |
## BaseShield
*extends [Block](#block)*
|radius|float|200.0| |
|sides|int|24| |
## BaseTurret
*extends [Block](#block)*
|range|float|80.0| |
|placeOverlapMargin|float|56.0| |
|rotateSpeed|float|5.0| |
|coolEffect|Effect|fuelburn|Effect displayed when coolant is used. |
|coolantMultiplier|float|5.0|How much reload is lowered by for each unit of liquid of heat capacity. |
|coolant|ConsumeLiquidBase|null| |
## Battery
*extends [PowerDistributor](#powerdistributor)*
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|emptyLightColor|Color|f8c266ff| |
|fullLightColor|Color|fb9567ff| |
## BeamDrill
*extends [Block](#block)*
|laser|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserCenter|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserBoost|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEndBoost|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserCenterBoost|TextureRegion|null| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|drillTime|float|200.0| |
|range|int|5| |
|tier|int|1| |
|laserWidth|float|0.65| |
|optionalBoostIntensity|float|2.5|How many times faster the drill will progress when boosted by an optional consumer. |
|sparkColor|Color|fd9e81ff| |
|glowColor|Color|ffffffff| |
|glowIntensity|float|0.2| |
|pulseIntensity|float|0.07| |
|glowScl|float|3.0| |
|sparks|int|7| |
|sparkRange|float|10.0| |
|sparkLife|float|27.0| |
|sparkRecurrence|float|4.0| |
|sparkSpread|float|45.0| |
|sparkSize|float|3.5| |
|boostHeatColor|Color|75b3ccff| |
|heatColor|Color|ff5959e5| |
|heatPulse|float|0.3| |
|heatPulseScl|float|7.0| |
## BeamNode
*extends [PowerBlock](#powerblock)*
|range|int|5| |
|laser|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserColor1|Color|ffffffff| |
|laserColor2|Color|ffd9c2ff| |
|pulseScl|float|7.0| |
|pulseMag|float|0.05| |
|laserWidth|float|0.4| |
## BufferedItemBridge
*extends [ItemBridge](#itembridge)*
|timerAccept|int|2| |
|speed|float|40.0| |
|bufferCapacity|int|50| |
## BuildTurret
*extends [BaseTurret](#baseturret)*
|timerTarget|int|1| |
|timerTarget2|int|2| |
|targetInterval|int|15| |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|buildSpeed|float|1.0| |
|buildBeamOffset|float|5.0| |
|unitType|UnitType|null| |
|elevation|float|-1.0| |
|heatColor|Color|ffd37fe5| |
## BurstDrill
*extends [Drill](#drill)*
|shake|float|2.0| |
|speedCurve|Interp|pow2In| |
|topInvertRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|arrowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|arrowBlurRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|invertedTime|float|200.0| |
|arrowSpacing|float|4.0| |
|arrowOffset|float|0.0| |
|arrows|int|3| |
|arrowColor|Color|feb380ff| |
|baseArrowColor|Color|6e7080ff| |
|glowColor|Color|feb380ff| |
## CanvasBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|padding|float|0.0| |
|canvasSize|int|8| |
|palette|int[]|{ 0x634b7dff, 0xc45d9f_ff, 0xe39aac_ff, 0xf0dab1_ff, 0x6461c2_ff, 0x2ba9b4_ff, 0x93d4b5_ff, 0xf0f6e8_ff }| |
|bitsPerPixel|int|0| |
|colorToIndex|IntIntMap|new IntIntMap()| |
## Cliff
*extends [Block](#block)*
|size|float|11.0| |
|cliffs|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|editorCliffs|TextureRegion[]|null| |
## Conduit
*extends [LiquidBlock](#liquidblock)*
|timerFlow|int|1| |
|botColor|Color|565656ff| |
|topRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|botRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|capRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|rotateRegions|TextureRegion[][][]|null|indices: [rotation] [fluid type] [frame] |
|leaks|boolean|true| |
|junctionReplacement|Block|null| |
|bridgeReplacement|Block|null| |
|rotBridgeReplacement|Block|null| |
## Constructor
*extends [BlockProducer](#blockproducer)*
Configurable BlockProducer variant.
|filter|Seq|new Seq<>()|Empty seq for no filter. |
|buildSpeed|float|0.4| |
|minBlockSize|int|1| |
|maxBlockSize|int|2| |
## Duct
*extends [Block](#block)*
|speed|float|5.0| |
|armored|boolean|false| |
|transparentColor|Color|66666619| |
|topRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|botRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
## PowerGenerator
*extends [PowerDistributor](#powerdistributor)*
|powerProduction|float|0.0|The amount of power produced per tick in case of an efficiency of 1.0, which represents 100%. |
|generationType|Stat|basePowerGeneration| |
|drawer|DrawBlock|new DrawDefault()| |
## ConsumeGenerator
*extends [PowerGenerator](#powergenerator)*
A generator that just takes in certain items or liquids. Basically SingleTypeGenerator, but not unreliable garbage.
|itemDuration|float|120.0|The time in number of ticks during which a single item will produce power. |
|effectChance|float|0.01| |
|generateEffect|Effect|none| |
|consumeEffect|Effect|none| |
|generateEffectRange|float|3.0| |
|liquidOutput|LiquidStack|null| |
|filterItem|ConsumeItemFilter|null| |
|filterLiquid|ConsumeLiquidFilter|null| |
## ContinuousTurret
*extends [Turret](#turret)*
A turret that fires a continuous beam bullet with no reload or coolant necessary. The bullet only disappears when the turret stops shooting.
|shootType|BulletType|placeholder| |
## ContinuousLiquidTurret
*extends [ContinuousTurret](#continuousturret)*
|ammoTypes|ObjectMap|new ObjectMap<>()| |
|liquidConsumed|float|0.016666668| |
## Conveyor
*extends [Block](#block)*
|regions|TextureRegion[][]|null| |
|speed|float|0.0| |
|displayedSpeed|float|0.0| |
|junctionReplacement|Block|null| |
|bridgeReplacement|Block|null| |
## CoreBlock
*extends [StorageBlock](#storageblock)*
|thruster1|TextureRegion|null| |
|thruster2|TextureRegion|null| |
|thrusterLength|float|3.5| |
|isFirstTier|boolean|false| |
|incinerateNonBuildable|boolean|false| |
|unitType|UnitType|alpha| |
|captureInvicibility|float|900.0| |
## DirectionBridge
*extends [Block](#block)*
|bridgeRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|bridgeBotRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|bridgeLiquidRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|arrowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|dirRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|range|int|4| |
## DirectionLiquidBridge
*extends [DirectionBridge](#directionbridge)*
|timerFlow|int|1| |
|speed|float|5.0| |
|liquidPadding|float|1.0| |
|bottomRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## DirectionalForceProjector
*extends [Block](#block)*
|width|float|30.0| |
|shieldHealth|float|3000.0| |
|cooldownNormal|float|1.75| |
|cooldownLiquid|float|1.5| |
|cooldownBrokenBase|float|0.35| |
|absorbEffect|Effect|absorb| |
|shieldBreakEffect|Effect|shieldBreak| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|length|float|40.0| |
|padSize|float|40.0| |
## DirectionalUnloader
*extends [Block](#block)*
|centerRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|arrowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|speed|float|1.0| |
|allowCoreUnload|boolean|false| |
## Door
*extends [Wall](#wall)*
|timerToggle|int|1| |
|openfx|Effect|dooropen| |
|closefx|Effect|doorclose| |
|doorSound|Sound|door| |
|openRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## Drill
*extends [Block](#block)*
|hardnessDrillMultiplier|float|50.0| |
|tier|int|0|Maximum tier of blocks this drill can mine. |
|drillTime|float|300.0|Base time to drill one ore, in frames. |
|liquidBoostIntensity|float|1.6|How many times faster the drill will progress when boosted by liquid. |
|warmupSpeed|float|0.015|Speed at which the drill speeds up. |
|blockedItem|Item|null|Special exemption item that this drill can't mine. |
|drawMineItem|boolean|true|Whether to draw the item this drill is mining. |
|drillEffect|Effect|mine|Effect played when an item is produced. This is colored. |
|drillEffectRnd|float|-1.0|Drill effect randomness. Block size by default. |
|rotateSpeed|float|2.0|Speed the drill bit rotates at. |
|updateEffect|Effect|pulverizeSmall|Effect randomly played while drilling. |
|updateEffectChance|float|0.02|Chance the update effect will appear. |
|drawRim|boolean|false| |
|drawSpinSprite|boolean|true| |
|heatColor|Color|ff5512ff| |
|rimRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|rotatorRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|itemRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## DroneCenter
*extends [Block](#block)*
|unitsSpawned|int|4| |
|droneType|UnitType|null| |
|status|StatusEffect|overdrive| |
|droneConstructTime|float|180.0| |
|statusDuration|float|120.0| |
|droneRange|float|50.0| |
## DuctBridge
*extends [DirectionBridge](#directionbridge)*
|speed|float|5.0| |
## DuctRouter
*extends [Block](#block)*
|speed|float|5.0| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## Floor
*extends [Block](#block)*
|edge|String|"stone"|edge fallback, used mainly for ores |
|speedMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplies unit velocity by this when walked on. |
|dragMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplies unit drag by this when walked on. |
|damageTaken|float|0.0|Damage taken per tick on this tile. |
|drownTime|float|0.0|How many ticks it takes to drown on this. 0 to disable. |
|walkEffect|Effect|none|Effect when walking on this floor. |
|walkSound|Sound|none|Sound made when walking. |
|walkSoundVolume|float|0.1|Volume of sound made when walking. |
|walkSoundPitchMin|float|0.8|Volume of sound made when walking. |
|walkSoundPitchMax|float|1.2|Volume of sound made when walking. |
|drownUpdateEffect|Effect|bubble|Effect displayed when drowning on this floor. |
|status|StatusEffect|none|Status effect applied when walking on. |
|statusDuration|float|60.0|Intensity of applied status effect. |
|liquidDrop|Liquid|null|liquids that drop from this block, used for pumps. |
|liquidMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplier for pumped liquids, used for deep water. |
|isLiquid|boolean|false|whether this block is liquid. |
|overlayAlpha|float|0.65|for liquid floors, this is the opacity of the overlay drawn on top. |
|supportsOverlay|boolean|false|whether this floor supports an overlay floor |
|shallow|boolean|false|shallow water flag used for generation |
|blendGroup|Block|this|Group of blocks that this block does not draw edges on. |
|oreDefault|boolean|false|Whether this ore generates in maps by default. |
|oreScale|float|24.0|Ore generation params. |
|oreThreshold|float|0.828|Ore generation params. |
|wall|Block|air|Wall variant of this block. May be Blocks.air if not found. |
|decoration|Block|air|Decoration block. Usually a rock. May be air. |
|canShadow|boolean|true|Whether units can draw shadows over this. |
|needsSurface|boolean|true|Whether this overlay needs a surface to be on. False for floating blocks, like spawns. |
|allowCorePlacement|boolean|false|If true, cores can be placed on this floor. |
|wallOre|boolean|false|If true, this ore is allowed on walls. |
|blendId|int|-1|Actual ID used for blend groups. Internal. |
## EmptyFloor
*extends [Floor](#floor)*
Empty floor is *not* equivalent to air. Unlike air, it is solid, and still draws neighboring tile edges.
## ForceProjector
*extends [Block](#block)*
|timerUse|int|1| |
|phaseUseTime|float|350.0| |
|phaseRadiusBoost|float|80.0| |
|phaseShieldBoost|float|400.0| |
|radius|float|101.7| |
|shieldHealth|float|700.0| |
|cooldownNormal|float|1.75| |
|cooldownLiquid|float|1.5| |
|cooldownBrokenBase|float|0.35| |
|coolantConsumption|float|0.1| |
|consumeCoolant|boolean|true| |
|absorbEffect|Effect|absorb| |
|shieldBreakEffect|Effect|shieldBreak| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|itemConsumer|Consume|null| |
|coolantConsumer|Consume|mindustry.world.consumers.ConsumeCoolant@35d53cd8| |
## Fracker
*extends [SolidPump](#solidpump)*
|itemUseTime|float|100.0| |
## GenericCrafter
*extends [Block](#block)*
|outputItem|ItemStack|null|Written to outputItems as a single-element array if outputItems is null. |
|outputItems|ItemStack[]|null|Overwrites outputItem if not null. |
|outputLiquid|LiquidStack|null|Written to outputLiquids as a single-element array if outputLiquids is null. |
|outputLiquids|LiquidStack[]|null|Overwrites outputLiquid if not null. |
|liquidOutputDirections|int[]|{ -1 }|Liquid output directions, specified in the same order as outputLiquids. Use -1 to dump in every direction. Rotations are relative to block. |
|dumpExtraLiquid|boolean|true|if true, crafters with multiple liquid outputs will dump excess when there's still space for at least one liquid type |
|ignoreLiquidFullness|boolean|false| |
|craftTime|float|80.0| |
|craftEffect|Effect|none| |
|updateEffect|Effect|none| |
|updateEffectChance|float|0.04| |
|warmupSpeed|float|0.019| |
|legacyReadWarmup|boolean|false|Only used for legacy cultivator blocks. |
|drawer|DrawBlock|new DrawDefault()| |
## HeatConductor
*extends [Block](#block)*
|visualMaxHeat|float|15.0| |
|drawer|DrawBlock|new DrawDefault()| |
## HeatCrafter
*extends [GenericCrafter](#genericcrafter)*
A crafter that requires contact from heater blocks to craft.
|heatRequirement|float|10.0|Base heat requirement for 100% efficiency. |
|overheatScale|float|1.0|After heat meets this requirement, excess heat will be scaled by this number. |
|maxEfficiency|float|4.0|Maximum possible efficiency after overheat. |
## HeatProducer
*extends [GenericCrafter](#genericcrafter)*
|heatOutput|float|10.0| |
|warmupRate|float|0.15| |
## ImpactReactor
*extends [PowerGenerator](#powergenerator)*
|timerUse|int|1| |
|warmupSpeed|float|0.001| |
|itemDuration|float|60.0| |
|explosionRadius|int|23| |
|explosionDamage|int|1900| |
|explodeEffect|Effect|impactReactorExplosion| |
|plasma1|Color|ffd06bff| |
|plasma2|Color|ff361bff| |
|bottomRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|plasmaRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
## Incinerator
*extends [Block](#block)*
|effect|Effect|fuelburn| |
|flameColor|Color|ffad9dff| |
## ItemBridge
*extends [Block](#block)*
|timerCheckMoved|int|1| |
|range|int|0| |
|transportTime|float|2.0| |
|endRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|bridgeRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|arrowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|fadeIn|boolean|true| |
|moveArrows|boolean|true| |
|pulse|boolean|false| |
|arrowSpacing|float|4.0| |
|arrowOffset|float|2.0| |
|arrowPeriod|float|0.4| |
|arrowTimeScl|float|6.2| |
|lastBuild|ItemBridgeBuild|null| |
## ItemIncinerator
*extends [Block](#block)*
Incinerator that accepts only items and optionally requires a liquid, e.g. slag.
|effect|Effect|incinerateSlag| |
|effectChance|float|0.2| |
|liquidRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## ItemSource
*extends [Block](#block)*
|itemsPerSecond|int|100| |
## ItemTurret
*extends [Turret](#turret)*
- |new ObjectMap<>()| |
## ItemVoid
*extends [Block](#block)*
## Junction
*extends [Block](#block)*
|speed|float|26.0| |
|capacity|int|6| |
## LaserTurret
*extends [PowerTurret](#powerturret)*
A turret that fires a continuous beam with a delay between shots. Liquid coolant is required. Yes, this class name is awful. NEEDS RENAME
|firingMoveFract|float|0.25| |
|shootDuration|float|100.0| |
## LaunchPad
*extends [Block](#block)*
|launchTime|float|1.0|Time inbetween launches. |
|launchSound|Sound|none| |
|lightRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|podRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|lightColor|Color|eab678ff| |
## LightBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|brightness|float|0.9| |
|radius|float|200.0| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## LiquidBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|liquidRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|bottomRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## LiquidBridge
*extends [ItemBridge](#itembridge)*
## LiquidJunction
*extends [LiquidBlock](#liquidblock)*
## LiquidRouter
*extends [LiquidBlock](#liquidblock)*
|liquidPadding|float|0.0| |
## LiquidSource
*extends [Block](#block)*
|crossRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|bottomRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## LiquidTurret
*extends [Turret](#turret)*
|ammoTypes|ObjectMap|new ObjectMap<>()| |
|extinguish|boolean|true| |
## LiquidVoid
*extends [Block](#block)*
## LogicBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|maxInstructionScale|int|5| |
|instructionsPerTick|int|1| |
|maxInstructionsPerTick|int|40| |
|range|float|80.0| |
## LogicDisplay
*extends [Block](#block)*
|maxSides|int|25| |
|displaySize|int|64| |
|scaleFactor|float|1.0| |
## LongPowerNode
*extends [PowerNode](#powernode)*
|glow|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowColor|Color|cbfd8172| |
|glowScl|float|16.0| |
|glowMag|float|0.6| |
## MassDriver
*extends [Block](#block)*
|range|float|0.0| |
|rotateSpeed|float|5.0| |
|translation|float|7.0| |
|minDistribute|int|10| |
|knockback|float|4.0| |
|reloadTime|float|100.0| |
|bullet|MassDriverBolt|new MassDriverBolt()| |
|bulletSpeed|float|5.5| |
|bulletLifetime|float|200.0| |
|shootEffect|Effect|shootBig2| |
|smokeEffect|Effect|shootBigSmoke2| |
|receiveEffect|Effect|mineBig| |
|shootSound|Sound|shootBig| |
|shake|float|3.0| |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## MemoryBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|memoryCapacity|int|32| |
## MendProjector
*extends [Block](#block)*
|timerUse|int|1| |
|baseColor|Color|84f491ff| |
|phaseColor|Color|84f491ff| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|reload|float|250.0| |
|range|float|60.0| |
|healPercent|float|12.0| |
|phaseBoost|float|12.0| |
|phaseRangeBoost|float|50.0| |
|useTime|float|400.0| |
## MessageBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|maxTextLength|int|220| |
|maxNewlines|int|24| |
## NuclearReactor
*extends [PowerGenerator](#powergenerator)*
|timerFuel|int|1| |
|tr|Vec2|(0.0,0.0)| |
|lightColor|Color|7f19eaff| |
|coolColor|Color|ffffff00| |
|hotColor|Color|ff9575a3| |
|explodeEffect|Effect|reactorExplosion| |
|itemDuration|float|120.0|ticks to consume 1 fuel |
|heating|float|0.01|heating per frame * fullness |
|smokeThreshold|float|0.3|threshold at which block starts smoking |
|flashThreshold|float|0.46|heat threshold at which lights start flashing |
|explosionRadius|int|19| |
|explosionDamage|int|1250| |
|coolantPower|float|0.5|heat removed per unit of coolant |
|smoothLight|float|0.0| |
|fuelItem|Item|thorium| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|lightsRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## OreBlock
*extends [OverlayFloor](#overlayfloor)*
An overlay ore for a specific item type.
## OverdriveProjector
*extends [Block](#block)*
|timerUse|int|1| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|reload|float|60.0| |
|range|float|80.0| |
|speedBoost|float|1.5| |
|speedBoostPhase|float|0.75| |
|useTime|float|400.0| |
|phaseRangeBoost|float|20.0| |
|hasBoost|boolean|true| |
|baseColor|Color|feb380ff| |
|phaseColor|Color|ffd59eff| |
## OverflowDuct
*extends [Block](#block)*
|speed|float|5.0| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## OverflowGate
*extends [Block](#block)*
|speed|float|1.0| |
|invert|boolean|false| |
## OverlayFloor
*extends [Floor](#floor)*
A type of floor that is overlaid on top of other floors.
## PayloadAmmoTurret
*extends [Turret](#turret)*
|ammoTypes|ObjectMap|new ObjectMap<>()| |
## PayloadBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|payloadSpeed|float|0.7| |
|payloadRotateSpeed|float|5.0| |
|regionSuffix|String|""| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|outRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|inRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## PayloadConveyor
*extends [Block](#block)*
|moveTime|float|45.0| |
|moveForce|float|201.0| |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|edgeRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|interp|Interp|pow5| |
|payloadLimit|float|3.0| |
## PayloadDeconstructor
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
|maxPayloadSize|float|4.0| |
|deconstructSpeed|float|2.5| |
|dumpRate|int|4| |
## PayloadLoader
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
|timerLoad|int|1| |
|loadTime|float|2.0| |
|itemsLoaded|int|8| |
|liquidsLoaded|float|40.0| |
|maxBlockSize|int|3| |
|maxPowerConsumption|float|40.0| |
|loadPowerDynamic|boolean|true| |
## PayloadMassDriver
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
|range|float|100.0| |
|rotateSpeed|float|2.0| |
|length|float|11.125| |
|knockback|float|5.0| |
|reloadTime|float|30.0| |
|chargeTime|float|100.0| |
|maxPayloadSize|float|3.0| |
|grabWidth|float|8.0| |
|grabHeight|float|2.75| |
|shootEffect|Effect|shootBig2| |
|smokeEffect|Effect|shootPayloadDriver| |
|receiveEffect|Effect|payloadReceive| |
|shootSound|Sound|shootBig| |
|shake|float|3.0| |
|transferEffect|Effect|flyingUnitLow - 1)| |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|capRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|leftRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|rightRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|capOutlineRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|leftOutlineRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|rightOutlineRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|arrow|TextureRegion|null| |
## PayloadRouter
*extends [PayloadConveyor](#payloadconveyor)*
|overRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## PayloadSource
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
Generic building that produces other buildings.
## PayloadUnloader
*extends [PayloadLoader](#payloadloader)*
|offloadSpeed|int|4| |
|maxPowerUnload|float|80.0| |
## PayloadVoid
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
|incinerateEffect|Effect|blastExplosion| |
|incinerateSound|Sound|bang| |
## PointDefenseTurret
*extends [ReloadTurret](#reloadturret)*
|timerTarget|int|1| |
|retargetTime|float|5.0| |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|beamEffect|Effect|pointBeam| |
|hitEffect|Effect|pointHit| |
|shootEffect|Effect|sparkShoot| |
|shootSound|Sound|lasershoot| |
|shootCone|float|5.0| |
|bulletDamage|float|10.0| |
|shootLength|float|3.0| |
## PowerBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
## PowerDiode
*extends [Block](#block)*
|arrow|TextureRegion|null| |
## PowerDistributor
*extends [PowerBlock](#powerblock)*
## PowerNode
*extends [PowerBlock](#powerblock)*
|laser|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserRange|float|6.0| |
|maxNodes|int|3| |
|autolink|boolean|true| |
|drawRange|boolean|true| |
|laserScale|float|0.25| |
|laserColor1|Color|ffffffff| |
|laserColor2|Color|fbd367ff| |
## PowerSource
*extends [PowerNode](#powernode)*
|powerProduction|float|10000.0| |
## ReloadTurret
*extends [BaseTurret](#baseturret)*
|reload|float|10.0| |
## PowerTurret
*extends [Turret](#turret)*
|shootType|BulletType|null| |
## PowerVoid
*extends [PowerBlock](#powerblock)*
## Prop
*extends [Block](#block)*
## Pump
*extends [LiquidBlock](#liquidblock)*
|pumpAmount|float|0.2|Pump amount per tile. |
|consumeTime|float|300.0|Interval in-between item consumptions, if applicable. |
|drawer|DrawBlock|new DrawMulti(new DrawDefault(), new DrawPumpLiquid())| |
## Radar
*extends [Block](#block)*
|discoveryTime|float|600.0| |
|rotateSpeed|float|2.0| |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowColor|Color|ab3400ff| |
|glowScl|float|5.0| |
|glowMag|float|0.6| |
## Reconstructor
*extends [UnitBlock](#unitblock)*
|constructTime|float|120.0| |
|upgrades|Seq|new Seq<>()| |
|capacities|int[]|[]| |
## RegenProjector
*extends [Block](#block)*
|range|int|14| |
|healPercent|float|0.2| |
|optionalMultiplier|float|2.0| |
|optionalUseTime|float|480.0| |
|drawer|DrawBlock|new DrawDefault()| |
|effectChance|float|0.003| |
|baseColor|Color|ffd37fff| |
|effect|Effect|regenParticle| |
## RepairTower
*extends [Block](#block)*
|range|float|80.0| |
|circleColor|Color|98ffa9ff| |
|glowColor|Color|98ffa97f| |
|circleSpeed|float|120.0| |
|circleStroke|float|3.0| |
|squareRad|float|3.0| |
|squareSpinScl|float|0.8| |
|glowMag|float|0.5| |
|glowScl|float|8.0| |
|healAmount|float|1.0| |
|glow|TextureRegion|null| |
## RepairTurret
*extends [Block](#block)*
|timerTarget|int|1| |
|timerEffect|int|2| |
|repairRadius|float|50.0| |
|repairSpeed|float|0.3| |
|powerUse|float|0.0| |
|length|float|5.0| |
|beamWidth|float|1.0| |
|pulseRadius|float|6.0| |
|pulseStroke|float|2.0| |
|acceptCoolant|boolean|false| |
|coolantUse|float|0.5| |
|coolEffect|Effect|fuelburn|Effect displayed when coolant is used. |
|coolantMultiplier|float|1.0|How much healing is increased by with heat capacity. |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|laser|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserTop|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserTopEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserColor|Color|98ffa9ff| |
|laserTopColor|Color|ffffffff| |
## Router
*extends [Block](#block)*
|speed|float|8.0| |
## SeaBush
*extends [Prop](#prop)*
|botRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|centerRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|lobesMin|int|7| |
|lobesMax|int|7| |
|botAngle|float|60.0| |
|origin|float|0.1| |
|sclMin|float|30.0| |
|sclMax|float|50.0| |
|magMin|float|5.0| |
|magMax|float|15.0| |
|timeRange|float|40.0| |
|spread|float|0.0| |
## Seaweed
*extends [Prop](#prop)*
## Separator
*extends [Block](#block)*
Extracts a random list of items from an input item and an input liquid.
|results|ItemStack[]|null| |
|craftTime|float|0.0| |
|liquidRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|spinnerRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|spinnerSpeed|float|3.0| |
## ShallowLiquid
*extends [Floor](#floor)*
Do not use in mods. This class provides no new functionality, and is only used for the Mindustry sprite generator.
Use the standard Floor class instead.
|liquidBase|Floor|null| |
|floorBase|Floor|null| |
|liquidOpacity|float|0.35| |
## ShieldBreaker
*extends [Block](#block)*
|toDestroy|Block[]|[]| |
|effect|Effect|shockwave| |
|breakEffect|Effect|reactorExplosion| |
|selfKillEffect|Effect|massiveExplosion| |
## ShockMine
*extends [Block](#block)*
|timerDamage|int|1| |
|cooldown|float|80.0| |
|tileDamage|float|5.0| |
|damage|float|13.0| |
|length|int|10| |
|tendrils|int|6| |
|lightningColor|Color|a9d8ffff| |
|shots|int|6| |
|inaccuracy|float|0.0| |
|bullet|BulletType|null| |
|teamAlpha|float|0.3| |
|teamRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## SingleBlockProducer
*extends [BlockProducer](#blockproducer)*
|result|Block|router| |
## SolarGenerator
*extends [PowerGenerator](#powergenerator)*
## SolidPump
*extends [Pump](#pump)*
Pump that makes liquid from solids and takes in power. Only works on solid floor blocks.
|result|Liquid|water| |
|updateEffect|Effect|none| |
|updateEffectChance|float|0.02| |
|rotateSpeed|float|1.0| |
|baseEfficiency|float|1.0| |
|attribute|Attribute|null|Attribute that is checked when calculating output. |
|rotatorRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## Sorter
*extends [Block](#block)*
|invert|boolean|false| |
## SpawnBlock
*extends [OverlayFloor](#overlayfloor)*
## StackConveyor
*extends [Block](#block)*
|regions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|edgeRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|stackRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowRegion|TextureRegion|null|requires power to work properly |
|glowAlpha|float|1.0| |
|glowColor|Color|feb380ff| |
|baseEfficiency|float|0.0| |
|speed|float|0.0| |
|outputRouter|boolean|true| |
|recharge|float|2.0|(minimum) amount of loading docks needed to fill a line. |
|loadEffect|Effect|conveyorPoof| |
|unloadEffect|Effect|conveyorPoof| |
## StackRouter
*extends [DuctRouter](#ductrouter)*
|baseEfficiency|float|0.0| |
|glowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|glowAlpha|float|1.0| |
|glowColor|Color|feb380ff| |
## StaticWall
*extends [Prop](#prop)*
|large|TextureRegion|null| |
|split|TextureRegion[][]|null| |
## StaticTree
*extends [StaticWall](#staticwall)*
## SteamVent
*extends [Floor](#floor)*
|parent|Block|air| |
|effect|Effect|ventSteam| |
|effectColor|Color|6b4e4eff| |
|effectSpacing|float|15.0| |
## StorageBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|coreMerge|boolean|true| |
## SwitchBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|onRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## TallBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|shadowOffset|float|-3.0| |
|layer|float|71.0| |
|rotationRand|float|20.0| |
|shadowAlpha|float|0.6| |
## ThermalGenerator
*extends [PowerGenerator](#powergenerator)*
|generateEffect|Effect|none| |
|effectChance|float|0.05| |
|minEfficiency|float|0.0| |
|spinSpeed|float|1.0| |
|displayEfficiencyScale|float|1.0| |
|spinners|boolean|false| |
|displayEfficiency|boolean|true| |
|outputLiquid|LiquidStack|null| |
|attribute|Attribute|heat| |
|rotatorRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|blurRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## Thruster
*extends [Wall](#wall)*
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## TractorBeamTurret
*extends [BaseTurret](#baseturret)*
|timerTarget|int|1| |
|retargetTime|float|5.0| |
|shootCone|float|6.0| |
|shootLength|float|5.0| |
|laserWidth|float|0.6| |
|force|float|0.3| |
|scaledForce|float|0.0| |
|damage|float|0.0| |
|targetAir|boolean|true| |
|targetGround|boolean|false| |
|laserColor|Color|ffffffff| |
|status|StatusEffect|none| |
|statusDuration|float|300.0| |
|shootSound|Sound|tractorbeam| |
|shootSoundVolume|float|0.9| |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|laser|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserStart|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
## TreeBlock
*extends [Block](#block)*
|shadow|TextureRegion|null| |
|shadowOffset|float|-4.0| |
## Turret
*extends [ReloadTurret](#reloadturret)*
|timerTarget|int|1| |
|targetInterval|float|20.0|Ticks between attempt at finding a target. |
|maxAmmo|int|30|Maximum ammo units stored. |
|ammoPerShot|int|1|Ammo units used per shot. |
|consumeAmmoOnce|boolean|false|If true, ammo is only consumed once per shot regardless of bullet count. |
|heatRequirement|float|-1.0|Minimum input heat required to fire. |
|maxHeatEfficiency|float|3.0|Maximum efficiency possible, if this turret uses heat. |
|inaccuracy|float|0.0|Bullet angle randomness in degrees. |
|velocityRnd|float|0.0|Fraction of bullet velocity that is random. |
|shootCone|float|8.0|Maximum angle difference in degrees at which turret will still try to shoot. |
|shootX|float|0.0|Turret shoot point. |
|shootY|float|-Infinity|Turret shoot point. |
|minRange|float|0.0|Minimum bullet range. Used for artillery only. |
|minWarmup|float|0.0|Minimum warmup needed to fire. |
|accurateDelay|boolean|true|If true, this turret will accurately target moving targets with respect to charge time. |
|moveWhileCharging|boolean|true|If false, this turret can't move while charging. |
|shoot|ShootPattern|new ShootPattern()|pattern used for bullets |
|targetAir|boolean|true|If true, this block targets air units. |
|targetGround|boolean|true|If true, this block targets ground units and structures. |
|targetHealing|boolean|false|If true, this block targets friend blocks, to heal them. |
|playerControllable|boolean|true|If true, this turret can be controlled by players. |
|displayAmmoMultiplier|boolean|true|If true, this block will display ammo multipliers in its stats (irrelevant for certain types of turrets). |
|unitSort|Sortf|closest|Function for choosing which unit to target. |
|unitFilter|Boolf|{code}|Filter for types of units to attack. |
|buildingFilter|Boolf|underBullets|Filter for types of buildings to attack. |
|heatColor|Color|ab3400ff|Color of heat region drawn on top (if found) |
|shootEffect|Effect|null|Optional override for all shoot effects. |
|smokeEffect|Effect|null|Optional override for all smoke effects. |
|ammoUseEffect|Effect|none|Effect created when ammo is used. Not optional. |
|shootSound|Sound|shoot|Sound emitted when a single bullet is shot. |
|chargeSound|Sound|none|Sound emitted when shoot.firstShotDelay is >0 and shooting begins. |
|soundPitchMin|float|0.9|Range for pitch of shoot sound. |
|soundPitchMax|float|1.1|Range for pitch of shoot sound. |
|ammoEjectBack|float|1.0|Backwards Y offset of ammo eject effect. |
|shootWarmupSpeed|float|0.1|Lerp speed of turret warmup. |
|linearWarmup|boolean|false|If true, turret warmup is linear instead of a curve. |
|recoil|float|1.0|Visual amount by which the turret recoils back per shot. |
|recoilTime|float|-1.0|ticks taken for turret to return to starting position in ticks. uses reload time by default |
|recoilPow|float|1.8|power curve applied to visual recoil |
|cooldownTime|float|20.0|ticks to cool down the heat region |
|elevation|float|-1.0|Visual elevation of turret shadow, -1 to use defaults. |
|shake|float|0.0|How much the screen shakes per shot. |
|drawer|DrawBlock|new DrawTurret()|Defines drawing behavior for this turret. |
## UnitAssembler
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
|sideRegion1|TextureRegion|null| |
|sideRegion2|TextureRegion|null| |
|areaSize|int|11| |
|droneType|UnitType|assemblyDrone| |
|dronesCreated|int|4| |
|droneConstructTime|float|240.0| |
|plans|Seq|new Seq<>(4)| |
## UnitAssemblerModule
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
|sideRegion1|TextureRegion|null| |
|sideRegion2|TextureRegion|null| |
|tier|int|1| |
## UnitBlock
*extends [PayloadBlock](#payloadblock)*
## UnitCargoLoader
*extends [Block](#block)*
|unitType|UnitType|manifold| |
|buildTime|float|480.0| |
|polyStroke|float|1.8| |
|polyRadius|float|8.0| |
|polySides|int|6| |
|polyRotateSpeed|float|1.0| |
|polyColor|Color|ffd37fff| |
## UnitCargoUnloadPoint
*extends [Block](#block)*
|staleTimeDuration|float|360.0|If a block is full for this amount of time, it will not be flown to anymore. |
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## UnitFactory
*extends [UnitBlock](#unitblock)*
|capacities|int[]|[]| |
|plans|Seq|new Seq<>(4)| |
## Unloader
*extends [Block](#block)*
|centerRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|speed|float|1.0| |
## Wall
*extends [Block](#block)*
|lightningChance|float|-1.0|Lighting chance. -1 to disable |
|lightningDamage|float|20.0| |
|lightningLength|int|17| |
|lightningColor|Color|f3e979ff| |
|lightningSound|Sound|spark| |
|chanceDeflect|float|-1.0|Bullet deflection chance. -1 to disable |
|flashHit|boolean|false| |
|flashColor|Color|ffffffff| |
|deflectSound|Sound|none| |
## WallCrafter
*extends [Block](#block)*
|topRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|rotatorBottomRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|rotatorRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|drillTime|float|150.0|Time to produce one item at 100% efficiency. |
|updateEffect|Effect|mineWallSmall|Effect randomly played while drilling. |
|updateEffectChance|float|0.02| |
|rotateSpeed|float|2.0| |
|attribute|Attribute|sand|Attribute to check for wall output. |
|output|Item|sand| |
## WobbleProp
*extends [Prop](#prop)*
|wscl|float|25.0| |
|wmag|float|0.4| |
|wtscl|float|1.0| |
|wmag2|float|1.0| |
# Bullet
Built-in constants:
`placeholder` `spaceLiquid` `damageLightning` `damageLightningGround` `fireball`
## BulletType
*extends [Content](#content)*
|lifetime|float|40.0|Lifetime in ticks. |
|speed|float|1.0|Speed in units/tick. |
|damage|float|1.0|Direct damage dealt on hit. |
|hitSize|float|4.0|Hitbox size. |
|drawSize|float|40.0|Clipping hitbox. |
|drag|float|0.0|Drag as fraction of velocity. |
|pierce|boolean|false|Whether to pierce units. |
|pierceBuilding|boolean|false|Whether to pierce buildings. |
|pierceCap|int|-1|Maximum # of pierced objects. |
|removeAfterPierce|boolean|true|If false, this bullet isn't removed after pierceCap is exceeded. Expert usage only. |
|laserAbsorb|boolean|true|For piercing lasers, setting this to true makes it get absorbed by plastanium walls. |
|optimalLifeFract|float|0.0|Life fraction at which this bullet has the best range/damage/etc. Used for lasers and continuous turrets. |
|layer|float|100.0|Z layer to drawn on. |
|hitEffect|Effect|hitBulletSmall|Effect shown on direct hit. |
|despawnEffect|Effect|hitBulletSmall|Effect shown when bullet despawns. |
|shootEffect|Effect|shootSmall|Effect created when shooting. |
|chargeEffect|Effect|none|Effect created when charging starts; only usable in single-shot weapons with a firstShotDelay / shotDelay. |
|smokeEffect|Effect|shootSmallSmoke|Extra smoke effect created when shooting. |
|hitSound|Sound|none|Sound made when hitting something or getting removed. |
|despawnSound|Sound|none|Sound made when hitting something or getting removed. |
|hitSoundPitch|float|1.0|Pitch of the sound made when hitting something |
|hitSoundVolume|float|1.0|Volume of the sound made when hitting something |
|inaccuracy|float|0.0|Extra inaccuracy when firing. |
|ammoMultiplier|float|2.0|How many bullets get created per ammo item/liquid. |
|reloadMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplied by turret reload speed to get final shoot speed. |
|buildingDamageMultiplier|float|1.0|Multiplier of how much base damage is done to tiles. |
|recoil|float|0.0|Recoil from shooter entities. |
|killShooter|boolean|false|Whether to kill the shooter when this is shot. For suicide bombers. |
|instantDisappear|boolean|false|Whether to instantly make the bullet disappear. |
|splashDamage|float|0.0|Damage dealt in splash. 0 to disable. |
|scaledSplashDamage|boolean|false|If true, splash damage is "correctly" affected by unit hitbox size. Used for projectiles that do not collide / have splash as their main source of damage. |
|knockback|float|0.0|Knockback in velocity. |
|impact|boolean|false|Should knockback follow the bullet's direction |
|status|StatusEffect|none|Status effect applied on hit. |
|statusDuration|float|480.0|Intensity of applied status effect in terms of duration. |
|collidesTiles|boolean|true|Whether this bullet type collides with tiles. |
|collidesTeam|boolean|false|Whether this bullet type collides with tiles that are of the same team. |
|collidesAir|boolean|true|Whether this bullet type collides with air/ground units. |
|collidesGround|boolean|true|Whether this bullet type collides with air/ground units. |
|collides|boolean|true|Whether this bullet types collides with anything at all. |
|collideFloor|boolean|false|If true, this projectile collides with non-surface floors. |
|collideTerrain|boolean|false|If true, this projectile collides with static walls |
|keepVelocity|boolean|true|Whether velocity is inherited from the shooter. |
|scaleLife|boolean|false|Whether to scale lifetime (not actually velocity!) to disappear at the target position. Used for artillery. |
|hittable|boolean|true|Whether this bullet can be hit by point defense. |
|reflectable|boolean|true|Whether this bullet can be reflected. |
|absorbable|boolean|true|Whether this projectile can be absorbed by shields. |
|backMove|boolean|true|Whether to move the bullet back depending on delta to fix some delta-time related issues. Do not change unless you know what you're doing. |
|maxRange|float|-1.0|Bullet range positive override. |
|rangeOverride|float|-1.0|When > 0, overrides range even if smaller than base range. |
|rangeChange|float|0.0|When used in a turret with multiple ammo types, this can be set to a non-zero value to influence range. |
|range|float|0.0|Range initialized in init(). |
|healPercent|float|0.0|% of block health healed * |
|healAmount|float|0.0|flat amount of block health healed |
|makeFire|boolean|false|Whether to make fire on impact |
|despawnHit|boolean|false|Whether to create hit effects on despawn. Forced to true if this bullet has any special effects like splash damage. |
|fragOnHit|boolean|true|If true, this bullet will create bullets when it hits anything, not just when it despawns. |
|pierceArmor|boolean|false|If true, unit armor is ignored in damage calculations. Ignored for building armor. |
|setDefaults|boolean|true|Whether status and despawnHit should automatically be set. |
|hitShake|float|0.0|Amount of shaking produced when this bullet hits something or despawns. |
|despawnShake|float|0.0|Amount of shaking produced when this bullet hits something or despawns. |
|fragBullet|BulletType|null|Bullet type that is created when this bullet expires. |
|fragRandomSpread|float|360.0|Degree spread range of fragmentation bullets. |
|fragSpread|float|0.0|Uniform spread between each frag bullet in degrees. |
|fragAngle|float|0.0|Angle offset of fragmentation bullets. |
|fragBullets|int|9|Number of fragmentation bullets created. |
|fragVelocityMin|float|0.2|Random range of frag velocity as a multiplier. |
|fragVelocityMax|float|1.0|Random range of frag velocity as a multiplier. |
|fragLifeMin|float|1.0|Random range of frag lifetime as a multiplier. |
|fragLifeMax|float|1.0|Random range of frag lifetime as a multiplier. |
|intervalBullet|BulletType|null|Bullet that is created at a fixed interval. |
|bulletInterval|float|20.0|Interval, in ticks, between which bullet spawn. |
|intervalBullets|int|1|Number of bullet spawned per interval. |
|hitColor|Color|ffffffff|Color used for hit/despawn effects. |
|healColor|Color|98ffa9ff|Color used for block heal effects. |
|healEffect|Effect|healBlockFull|Effect emitted upon blocks that are healed. |
|spawnBullets|Seq|new Seq<>()|Bullets spawned when this bullet is created. Rarely necessary, used for visuals. |
|spawnUnit|UnitType|null|Unit spawned _instead of_ this bullet. Useful for missiles. |
|trailColor|Color|e58956ff|Color of trail behind bullet. |
|trailChance|float|-1.0E-4|Chance of trail effect spawning on bullet per tick. |
|trailInterval|float|0.0|Uniform interval in which trail effect is spawned. |
|trailEffect|Effect|missileTrail|Trail effect that is spawned. |
|trailParam|float|2.0|Rotation/size parameter that is passed to trail. Usually, this controls size. |
|trailRotation|boolean|false|Whether the parameter passed to the trail is the bullet rotation, instead of a flat value. |
|trailInterp|Interp|one|Interpolation for trail width as function of bullet lifetime |
|trailLength|int|-1|Length of trail quads. Any value <= 0 disables the trail. |
|trailWidth|float|2.0|Width of trail, if trailLength > 0 |
|trailSinMag|float|0.0|If trailSinMag > 0, these values are applied as a sine curve to trail width. |
|trailSinScl|float|3.0|If trailSinMag > 0, these values are applied as a sine curve to trail width. |
|splashDamageRadius|float|-1.0|Use a negative value to disable splash damage. |
|incendAmount|int|0|Amount of fires attempted around bullet. |
|incendSpread|float|8.0|Spread of fires around bullet. |
|incendChance|float|1.0|Chance of fire being created. |
|homingPower|float|0.0|Power of bullet ability. Usually a number between 0 and 1; try 0.1 as a starting point. |
|homingRange|float|50.0|Range of homing effect around bullet. |
|homingDelay|float|-1.0|Use a negative value to disable homing delay. |
|suppressionRange|float|-1.0|Range of healing block suppression effect. |
|suppressionDuration|float|480.0|Duration of healing block suppression effect. |
|suppressionEffectChance|float|50.0|Chance of suppression effect occurring on block, scaled down by number of blocks. |
|lightningColor|Color|f3e979ff|Color of lightning created by bullet. |
|lightning|int|0|Number of separate lightning "roots". |
|lightningLength|int|5|Length of each lightning strand. |
|lightningLengthRand|int|0|Extra random length added onto base length of lightning. |
|lightningDamage|float|-1.0|Use a negative value to use default bullet damage. |
|lightningCone|float|360.0|Spread of lightning, relative to bullet rotation. |
|lightningAngle|float|0.0|Offset of lightning relative to bullet rotation. |
|lightningType|BulletType|null|The bullet created at lightning points. |
|weaveScale|float|1.0|Scale of bullet weave pattern. Higher -> less vibration. |
|weaveMag|float|0.0|Intensity of bullet weaving. Note that this may make bullets inaccurate. |
|weaveRandom|boolean|true|If true, the bullet weave will randomly switch directions on spawn. |
|puddles|int|0|Number of individual puddles created. |
|puddleRange|float|0.0|Range of puddles around bullet position. |
|puddleAmount|float|5.0|Liquid count of each puddle created. |
|puddleLiquid|Liquid|water|Liquid that puddles created are made of. |
|displayAmmoMultiplier|boolean|true|Whether to display the ammo multiplayer for this bullet type in its stats. |
|lightRadius|float|-1.0|Radius of light emitted by this bullet; <0 to use defaults. |
|lightOpacity|float|0.3|Opacity of light color. |
|lightColor|Color|fbd367ff|Color of light emitted by this bullet. |
## BasicBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
An extended BulletType for most ammo-based bullets shot from turrets and units.
|backColor|Color|f9c27aff| |
|frontColor|Color|fff8e8ff| |
|mixColorFrom|Color|ffffff00| |
|mixColorTo|Color|ffffff00| |
|width|float|5.0| |
|height|float|7.0| |
|shrinkX|float|0.0| |
|shrinkY|float|0.5| |
|spin|float|0.0| |
|rotationOffset|float|0.0| |
|sprite|String|bullet| |
|backSprite|String|null| |
|backRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|frontRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
## ArtilleryBulletType
*extends [BasicBulletType](#basicbullettype)*
|trailMult|float|1.0| |
|trailSize|float|4.0| |
## BombBulletType
*extends [BasicBulletType](#basicbullettype)*
## ContinuousBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
Basic continuous bullet type that does not draw itself. Essentially abstract.
|length|float|220.0| |
|shake|float|0.0| |
|damageInterval|float|5.0| |
|largeHit|boolean|false| |
|continuous|boolean|true| |
## ContinuousFlameBulletType
*extends [ContinuousBulletType](#continuousbullettype)*
|lightStroke|float|40.0| |
|width|float|3.7| |
|oscScl|float|1.2| |
|oscMag|float|0.02| |
|divisions|int|25| |
|drawFlare|boolean|true| |
|flareColor|Color|e189f5ff| |
|flareWidth|float|3.0| |
|flareInnerScl|float|0.5| |
|flareLength|float|40.0| |
|flareInnerLenScl|float|0.5| |
|flareLayer|float|99.9999| |
|flareRotSpeed|float|1.2| |
|rotateFlare|boolean|false| |
|lengthInterp|Interp|slope| |
|lengthWidthPans|float[]|[1.12, 1.3, 0.32, 1.0, 1.0, 0.3, 0.8, 0.9, 0.2, 0.5, 0.8, 0.15, 0.25, 0.7, 0.1]|Lengths, widths, ellipse panning, and offsets, all as fractions of the base width and length. Stored as an 'interleaved' array of values: LWPO1 LWPO2 LWPO3... |
|colors|Color[]|[eb7abe8c, e189f5b2, 907ef7cc, 91a4ffff, ffffffff]| |
## ContinuousLaserBulletType
*extends [ContinuousBulletType](#continuousbullettype)*
|fadeTime|float|16.0| |
|lightStroke|float|40.0| |
|divisions|int|13| |
|colors|Color[]|[ec745855, ec7458aa, ff9c5aff, ffffffff]| |
|strokeFrom|float|2.0| |
|strokeTo|float|0.5| |
|pointyScaling|float|0.75| |
|backLength|float|7.0| |
|frontLength|float|35.0| |
|width|float|9.0| |
|oscScl|float|0.8| |
|oscMag|float|1.5| |
## EmpBulletType
*extends [BasicBulletType](#basicbullettype)*
|radius|float|100.0| |
|timeIncrease|float|2.5| |
|timeDuration|float|600.0| |
|powerDamageScl|float|2.0| |
|powerSclDecrease|float|0.2| |
|hitPowerEffect|Effect|hitEmpSpark| |
|chainEffect|Effect|chainEmp| |
|applyEffect|Effect|heal| |
|hitUnits|boolean|true| |
|unitDamageScl|float|0.7| |
## ExplosionBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
## FireBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|colorFrom|Color|ffdd55ff| |
|colorMid|Color|db401cff| |
|colorTo|Color|7f7f7fff| |
|radius|float|3.0| |
|velMin|float|0.6| |
|velMax|float|2.6| |
|fireTrailChance|float|0.04| |
|trailEffect2|Effect|ballfire| |
|fireEffectChance|float|0.1| |
|fireEffectChance2|float|0.1| |
## FlakBulletType
*extends [BasicBulletType](#basicbullettype)*
|explodeRange|float|30.0| |
|explodeDelay|float|5.0| |
## LaserBoltBulletType
*extends [BasicBulletType](#basicbullettype)*
|width|float|2.0| |
|height|float|7.0| |
## LaserBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|colors|Color[]|[a9d8ff66, a9d8ffff, ffffffff]| |
|laserEffect|Effect|lancerLaserShootSmoke| |
|length|float|160.0| |
|width|float|15.0| |
|lengthFalloff|float|0.5| |
|sideLength|float|29.0| |
|sideWidth|float|0.7| |
|sideAngle|float|90.0| |
|lightningSpacing|float|-1.0| |
|lightningDelay|float|0.1| |
|lightningAngleRand|float|0.0| |
|largeHit|boolean|false| |
## LightningBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|lightningColor|Color|a9d8ffff| |
|lightningLength|int|25| |
|lightningLengthRand|int|0| |
## LiquidBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|liquid|Liquid|null| |
|puddleSize|float|6.0| |
|orbSize|float|3.0| |
|boilTime|float|5.0| |
## MassDriverBolt
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
## MissileBulletType
*extends [BasicBulletType](#basicbullettype)*
## PointBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|trailSpacing|float|10.0| |
## RailBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|pierceEffect|Effect|hitBulletSmall| |
|pointEffect|Effect|none| |
|lineEffect|Effect|none| |
|endEffect|Effect|none| |
|pierceDamageFactor|float|1.0|Multiplier of damage decreased per health pierced. |
|length|float|100.0| |
|pointEffectSpace|float|20.0| |
## SapBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|length|float|100.0| |
|sapStrength|float|0.5| |
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|width|float|0.4| |
## ShrapnelBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|length|float|100.0| |
|width|float|20.0| |
|fromColor|Color|ffffffff| |
|toColor|Color|a9d8ffff| |
|hitLarge|boolean|false| |
|serrations|int|7| |
|serrationLenScl|float|10.0| |
|serrationWidth|float|4.0| |
|serrationSpacing|float|8.0| |
|serrationSpaceOffset|float|80.0| |
|serrationFadeOffset|float|0.5| |
## SpaceLiquidBulletType
*extends [BulletType](#bullettype)*
|orbSize|float|5.5| |
# Effect
Built-in constants:
`rand` `v` `none` `blockCrash` `trailFade` `unitSpawn` `unitCapKill` `unitEnvKill` `unitControl` `unitDespawn` `unitSpirit` `itemTransfer` `pointBeam` `pointHit` `lightning` `coreBuildShockwave` `coreBuildBlock` `moveCommand` `attackCommand` `commandSend` `upgradeCore` `upgradeCoreBloom` `placeBlock` `coreLaunchConstruct` `tapBlock` `breakBlock` `payloadDeposit` `select` `smoke` `fallSmoke` `unitWreck` `rocketSmoke` `rocketSmokeLarge` `magmasmoke` `spawn` `unitAssemble` `padlaunch` `breakProp` `unitDrop` `unitLand` `unitDust` `unitLandSmall` `unitPickup` `crawlDust` `landShock` `pickup` `titanExplosion` `titanSmoke` `dynamicSpikes` `greenBomb` `greenLaserCharge` `greenLaserChargeSmall` `greenCloud` `healWaveDynamic` `healWave` `heal` `shieldWave` `shieldApply` `disperseTrail` `hitBulletSmall` `hitBulletColor` `hitSquaresColor` `hitFuse` `hitBulletBig` `hitFlameSmall` `hitFlamePlasma` `hitLiquid` `hitLaserBlast` `hitEmpSpark` `hitLancer` `hitBeam` `hitFlameBeam` `hitMeltdown` `hitMeltHeal` `instBomb` `instTrail` `instShoot` `instHit` `hitLaser` `hitLaserColor` `despawn` `airBubble` `flakExplosion` `plasticExplosion` `plasticExplosionFlak` `blastExplosion` `sapExplosion` `massiveExplosion` `artilleryTrail` `incendTrail` `missileTrail` `missileTrailShort` `absorb` `forceShrink` `flakExplosionBig` `burning` `fireRemove` `fire` `fireHit` `fireSmoke` `neoplasmHeal` `steam` `ventSteam` `drillSteam` `vapor` `vaporSmall` `fireballsmoke` `ballfire` `freezing` `melting` `wet` `muddy` `sapped` `electrified` `sporeSlowed` `oily` `overdriven` `overclocked` `dropItem` `shockwave` `bigShockwave` `spawnShockwave` `explosion` `dynamicExplosion` `reactorExplosion` `impactReactorExplosion` `blockExplosionSmoke` `shootSmall` `shootSmallColor` `shootHeal` `shootHealYellow` `shootSmallSmoke` `shootBig` `shootBig2` `shootBigColor` `shootTitan` `shootBigSmoke` `shootBigSmoke2` `shootSmokeDisperse` `shootSmokeSquare` `shootSmokeSquareSparse` `shootSmokeSquareBig` `shootSmokeTitan` `regenParticle` `regenSuppressParticle` `regenSuppressSeek` `surgeCruciSmoke` `heatReactorSmoke` `circleColorSpark` `colorSpark` `colorSparkBig` `randLifeSpark` `shootPayloadDriver` `shootSmallFlame` `shootPyraFlame` `shootLiquid` `casing1` `casing2` `casing3` `casing4` `casing2Double` `casing3Double` `railShoot` `railTrail` `railHit` `lancerLaserShoot` `lancerLaserShootSmoke` `lancerLaserCharge` `lancerLaserChargeBegin` `lightningCharge` `sparkShoot` `lightningShoot` `thoriumShoot` `reactorsmoke` `redgeneratespark` `turbinegenerate` `generatespark` `fuelburn` `incinerateSlag` `coreBurn` `plasticburn` `conveyorPoof` `pulverize` `pulverizeRed` `pulverizeSmall` `pulverizeMedium` `producesmoke` `smokeCloud` `smeltsmoke` `coalSmeltsmoke` `formsmoke` `blastsmoke` `lava` `dooropen` `doorclose` `dooropenlarge` `doorcloselarge` `generate` `mineWallSmall` `mineSmall` `mine` `mineBig` `mineHuge` `mineImpact` `mineImpactWave` `payloadReceive` `teleportActivate` `teleport` `teleportOut` `ripple` `bubble` `launch` `launchPod` `healWaveMend` `overdriveWave` `healBlock` `healBlockFull` `rotateBlock` `lightBlock` `overdriveBlockFull` `shieldBreak` `coreLandDust` `unitShieldBreak` `chainLightning` `chainEmp` `legDestroy`
## Effect
*extends [Object](#object)*
|id|int|345| |
|renderer|Cons|{code}| |
|lifetime|float|50.0| |
|clip|float|0.0|Clip size. |
|startDelay|float|0.0|Time delay before the effect starts |
|baseRotation|float|0.0|Amount added to rotation |
|followParent|boolean|true|If true, parent unit is data are followed. |
|rotWithParent|boolean|false|If this and followParent are true, the effect will offset and rotate with the parent's rotation. |
|layer|float|110.0| |
|layerDuration|float|0.0| |
## ExplosionEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
|waveColor|Color|ffd2aeff| |
|smokeColor|Color|7f7f7fff| |
|sparkColor|Color|e58956ff| |
|waveLife|float|6.0| |
|waveStroke|float|3.0| |
|waveRad|float|15.0| |
|waveRadBase|float|2.0| |
|sparkStroke|float|1.0| |
|sparkRad|float|23.0| |
|sparkLen|float|3.0| |
|smokeSize|float|4.0| |
|smokeSizeBase|float|0.5| |
|smokeRad|float|23.0| |
|smokes|int|5| |
|sparks|int|4| |
## MultiEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
Renders multiple particle effects at once.
|effects|Effect[]|[]| |
## ParticleEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
The most essential effect class. Can create particles in various shapes.
|colorFrom|Color|ffffffff| |
|colorTo|Color|ffffffff| |
|particles|int|6| |
|randLength|boolean|true| |
|casingFlip|boolean|false|Gives the effect flipping compatability like casing effects. |
|cone|float|180.0| |
|length|float|20.0| |
|baseLength|float|0.0| |
|interp|Interp|linear|Particle size/length/radius interpolation. |
|sizeInterp|Interp|null|Particle size interpolation. Null to use interp. |
|offsetX|float|0.0| |
|offsetY|float|0.0| |
|lightScl|float|2.0| |
|lightOpacity|float|0.6| |
|lightColor|Color|null| |
|spin|float|0.0|Spin in degrees per tick. |
|sizeFrom|float|2.0|Controls the initial and final sprite sizes. |
|sizeTo|float|0.0|Controls the initial and final sprite sizes. |
|useRotation|boolean|true|Whether the rotation adds with the parent |
|offset|float|0.0|Rotation offset. |
|region|String|"circle"|Sprite to draw. |
|line|boolean|false| |
|strokeFrom|float|2.0| |
|strokeTo|float|0.0| |
|lenFrom|float|4.0| |
|lenTo|float|2.0| |
## RadialEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
Renders one particle effect repeatedly at specified angle intervals.
|effect|Effect|none| |
|rotationSpacing|float|90.0| |
|rotationOffset|float|0.0| |
|lengthOffset|float|0.0| |
|amount|int|4| |
## SeqEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
Renders multiple particle effects in sequence.
Will not work correctly for effects that modify life dynamically.
Z layer of child effects is ignored.
|effects|Effect[]|[]| |
## WaveEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
Effect that renders a basic shockwave.
|colorFrom|Color|ffffffff| |
|colorTo|Color|ffffffff| |
|lightColor|Color|null| |
|sizeFrom|float|0.0| |
|sizeTo|float|100.0| |
|lightScl|float|3.0| |
|lightOpacity|float|0.8| |
|sides|int|-1| |
|rotation|float|0.0| |
|strokeFrom|float|2.0| |
|strokeTo|float|0.0| |
|interp|Interp|linear| |
|lightInterp|Interp|reverse| |
|offsetX|float|0.0| |
|offsetY|float|0.0| |
## WrapEffect
*extends [Effect](#effect)*
Wraps an effect with some parameters.
|effect|Effect|none| |
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|rotation|float|NaN| |
# Item
*extends [UnlockableContent](#unlockablecontent)*
|color|Color|000000ff| |
|explosiveness|float|0.0|how explosive this item is. |
|flammability|float|0.0|flammability above 0.3 makes this eligible for item burners. |
|radioactivity|float|0.0|how radioactive this item is. |
|charge|float|0.0|how electrically potent this item is. |
|hardness|int|0|drill hardness of the item |
|cost|float|1.0|base material cost of this item, used for calculating place times 1 cost = 1 tick added to build time |
|healthScaling|float|0.0|When this item is present in the build cost, a block's default health is multiplied by 1 + scaling, where 'scaling' is summed together for all item requirement types. |
|lowPriority|boolean|false|if true, this item is of the lowest priority to drills. |
|frames|int|0|If >0, this item is animated. |
|transitionFrames|int|0|Number of generated transition frames between each frame |
|frameTime|float|5.0|Ticks in-between animation frames. |
|buildable|boolean|true|If true, this material is used by buildings. If false, this material will be incinerated in certain cores. |
|hidden|boolean|false| |
# Liquid
## Liquid
*extends [UnlockableContent](#unlockablecontent)*
A better name for this class would be "fluid", but it's too late for that.
|gas|boolean|false|If true, this fluid is treated as a gas (and does not create puddles) |
|color|Color|000000ff|Color used in pipes and on the ground. |
|gasColor|Color|bfbfbfff|Color of this liquid in gas form. |
|barColor|Color|null|Color used in bars. |
|lightColor|Color|00000000|Color used to draw lights. Note that the alpha channel is used to dictate brightness. |
|flammability|float|0.0|0-1, 0 is completely not flammable, anything above that may catch fire when exposed to heat, 0.5+ is very flammable. |
|temperature|float|0.5|temperature: 0.5 is 'room' temperature, 0 is very cold, 1 is molten hot |
|heatCapacity|float|0.5|how much heat this liquid can store. 0.4=water (decent), anything lower is probably less dense and bad at cooling. |
|viscosity|float|0.5|how thick this liquid is. 0.5=water (relatively viscous), 1 would be something like tar (very slow). |
|explosiveness|float|0.0|how prone to exploding this liquid is, when heated. 0 = nothing, 1 = nuke |
|coolant|boolean|true|if false, this liquid cannot be a coolant |
|effect|StatusEffect|none|The associated status effect. |
|particleEffect|Effect|none|Effect shown in puddles. |
|particleSpacing|float|60.0|Particle effect rate spacing in ticks. |
|boilPoint|float|2.0|Temperature at which this liquid vaporizes. This isn't just boiling. |
|capPuddles|boolean|true|If true, puddle size is capped. |
|vaporEffect|Effect|vapor|Effect when this liquid vaporizes. |
|hidden|boolean|false|If true, this liquid is hidden in most UI. |
## CellLiquid
*extends [Liquid](#liquid)*
|colorFrom|Color|ffffffff| |
|colorTo|Color|ffffffff| |
|cells|int|8| |
# Status
Built-in constants:
`none` `burning` `freezing` `unmoving` `slow` `wet` `muddy` `melting` `sapped` `tarred` `overdrive` `overclock` `shielded` `shocked` `blasted` `corroded` `boss` `sporeSlowed` `disarmed` `electrified` `invincible`
*extends [UnlockableContent](#unlockablecontent)*
|damageMultiplier|float|1.0|Damage dealt by the unit with the effect. |
|healthMultiplier|float|1.0|Unit health multiplier. |
|speedMultiplier|float|1.0|Unit speed multiplier. |
|reloadMultiplier|float|1.0|Unit reload multiplier. |
|buildSpeedMultiplier|float|1.0|Unit build speed multiplier. |
|dragMultiplier|float|1.0|Unit drag multiplier. |
|transitionDamage|float|0.0|Damage dealt upon transition to an affinity. |
|disarm|boolean|false|Unit weapon(s) disabled. |
|damage|float|0.0|Damage per frame. |
|effectChance|float|0.15|Chance of effect appearing. |
|parentizeEffect|boolean|false|Should the effect be given a parent |
|permanent|boolean|false|If true, the effect never disappears. |
|reactive|boolean|false|If true, this effect will only react with other effects and cannot be applied. |
|show|boolean|true|Whether to show this effect in the database. |
|color|Color|ffffffff|Tint color of effect. |
|effect|Effect|none|Effect that happens randomly on top of the affected unit. |
|affinities|ObjectSet|new ObjectSet<>()|Affinity & opposite values for stat displays. |
|opposites|ObjectSet|new ObjectSet<>()|Affinity & opposite values for stat displays. |
|outline|boolean|true|Set to false to disable outline generation. |
# Unit
## UnitType
*extends [UnlockableContent](#unlockablecontent)*
|envRequired|int|0|Environmental flags that are *all* required for this unit to function. 0 = any environment |
|envEnabled|int|1|The environment flags that this unit can function in. If the env matches any of these, it will be enabled. |
|envDisabled|int|16|The environment flags that this unit *cannot* function in. If the env matches any of these, it will explode or be disabled. |
|speed|float|1.1|movement speed (world units/t) |
|boostMultiplier|float|1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|rotateSpeed|float|5.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|baseRotateSpeed|float|5.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|drag|float|0.3|movement speed (world units/t) |
|accel|float|0.5|movement speed (world units/t) |
|hitSize|float|6.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|stepShake|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|rippleScale|float|1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|riseSpeed|float|0.08|movement speed (world units/t) |
|fallSpeed|float|0.018|movement speed (world units/t) |
|health|float|200.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|armor|float|0.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|range|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|maxRange|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|mineRange|float|70.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|buildRange|float|220.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|crashDamageMultiplier|float|1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|dpsEstimate|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|clipSize|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|drownTimeMultiplier|float|1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|strafePenalty|float|0.5|movement speed (world units/t) |
|researchCostMultiplier|float|50.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|groundLayer|float|60.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|payloadCapacity|float|8.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|buildSpeed|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|aimDst|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|buildBeamOffset|float|3.8|movement speed (world units/t) |
|targetPriority|float|0.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|shadowElevation|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|shadowElevationScl|float|1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|engineOffset|float|5.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|engineSize|float|2.5|movement speed (world units/t) |
|engineLayer|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|itemOffsetY|float|3.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|lightRadius|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|lightOpacity|float|0.6|movement speed (world units/t) |
|fogRadius|float|-1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|waveTrailX|float|4.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|waveTrailY|float|-3.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|tailScl|float|1.0|movement speed (world units/t) |
|isEnemy|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|flying|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|targetAir|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|targetGround|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|faceTarget|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|circleTarget|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|canBoost|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|logicControllable|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|playerControllable|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|allowedInPayloads|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|hittable|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|killable|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|targetable|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|vulnerableWithPayloads|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|pickupUnits|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|physics|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|canDrown|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|useUnitCap|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|coreUnitDock|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|createWreck|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|createScorch|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|lowAltitude|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|rotateToBuilding|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|allowLegStep|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|legPhysicsLayer|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|hovering|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|omniMovement|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|rotateMoveFirst|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|healFlash|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|canHeal|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|singleTarget|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|forceMultiTarget|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|canAttack|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|hidden|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|internal|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|naval|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|alwaysCreateOutline|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|squareShape|boolean|false|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|drawBuildBeam|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|drawCell|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|drawItems|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|drawShields|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|drawBody|boolean|true|if true, this unit counts as an enemy in the wave counter (usually false for support-only units) |
|aiController|Prov extends UnitController>|{code}|The default AI controller to assign on creation. |
|controller|Func|get() : new CommandAI()|Function that chooses AI controller based on unit entity. |
|constructor|Prov extends Unit>|null|Creates a new instance of this unit class. |
|abilities|Seq|new Seq<>()|list of "abilities", which are various behaviors that update each frame |
|weapons|Seq|new Seq<>()|All weapons that this unit will shoot with. |
|immunities|ObjectSet|new ObjectSet<>()|None of the status effects in this set can be applied to this unit. |
|healColor|Color|98ffa9ff|color that this unit flashes when getting healed (if healFlash is true) |
|lightColor|Color|fbd367ff|Color of light that this unit produces when lighting is enabled in the map. |
|deathSound|Sound|bang|sound played when this unit explodes (*not* when it is shot down) |
|fallEffect|Effect|fallSmoke|effect that this unit emits when falling |
|fallEngineEffect|Effect|fallSmoke|effect created at engine when unit falls. |
|deathExplosionEffect|Effect|dynamicExplosion|effect created when this unit dies |
|treadEffect|Effect|null|optional effect created when this tank moves |
|parts|Seq|class)|extra (usually animated) visual parts |
|engines|Seq|new Seq<>()|list of engines, or "thrusters" |
|useEngineElevation|boolean|true|if false, the thruster is always displayed at its normal size regardless of elevation |
|engineColor|Color|null|override for all engine colors |
|engineColorInner|Color|ffffffff|color for inner portions of engines |
|trailLength|int|0|length of engine trail (if flying) or wave trail (if naval) |
|trailColor|Color|null|override for engine trail color |
|pathCost|PathCost|null|Function used for calculating cost of moving with ControlPathfinder. Does not affect "normal" flow field pathfinding. |
|sample|Unit|null|A sample of the unit that this type creates. Do not modify! |
|targetFlags|BlockFlag[]|[null]|Flags to target based on priority. Null indicates that the closest target should be found. The closest enemy core is used as a fallback. |
|outlineColor|Color|565666ff|color for outline generated around sprites |
|outlineRadius|int|3|thickness for sprite outline |
|outlines|boolean|true|if false, no sprite outlines are generated |
|itemCapacity|int|-1|amount of items this unit can carry; <0 to determine based on hitSize. |
|ammoCapacity|int|-1|amount of ammo this unit can hold (if the rule is enabled); <0 to determine based on weapon fire rate. |
|ammoType|AmmoType|copper)|ammo this unit uses, if that system is enabled. |
|mineTier|int|-1|max hardness of ore that this unit can mine (<0 to disable) |
|mineSpeed|float|1.0|mining speed in weird arbitrary units |
|mineWalls|boolean|false|whether this unit can mine ores from floors/walls, respectively |
|mineFloor|boolean|true|whether this unit can mine ores from floors/walls, respectively |
|mineHardnessScaling|boolean|true|if true, harder materials will take longer to mine |
|mineSound|Sound|minebeam|continuous sound emitted when mining. |
|mineSoundVolume|float|0.6|volume of mining sound. |
- |thorium)|Target items to mine. Used in MinerAI |
|legCount|int|4|number of legs this unit has (must have the correct type to function!) |
|legGroupSize|int|2|size of groups in which legs move. for example, insects (6 legs) usually move legs in groups of 3. |
|legLength|float|10.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legSpeed|float|0.1|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legForwardScl|float|1.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legBaseOffset|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legMoveSpace|float|1.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legExtension|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legPairOffset|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legLengthScl|float|1.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legStraightLength|float|1.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legMaxLength|float|1.75|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legMinLength|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legSplashDamage|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legSplashRange|float|5.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|baseLegStraightness|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|legStraightness|float|0.0|total length of a leg (both segments) |
|lockLegBase|boolean|false|If true, legs are locked to the base of the unit instead of being on an implicit rotating "mount". |
|legContinuousMove|boolean|false|If true, legs always try to move around even when the unit is not moving (leads to more natural behavior) |
|flipBackLegs|boolean|true|TODO neither of these appear to do much |
|flipLegSide|boolean|false|TODO neither of these appear to do much |
|mechLandShake|float|0.0|screen shake amount for when this mech lands after boosting |
|mechSideSway|float|0.54|parameters for mech swaying animation |
|mechFrontSway|float|0.1|parameters for mech swaying animation |
|mechStride|float|-1.0|parameters for mech swaying animation |
|mechStepParticles|boolean|false|whether particles are created when this mech takes a step |
|mechLegColor|Color|6e7080ff|color that legs change to when moving, to simulate depth |
|treadRects|Rect[]|[]|list of treads as rectangles in IMAGE COORDINATES, relative to the center. these are mirrored. |
|treadFrames|int|18|number of frames of movement in a tread |
|treadPullOffset|int|0|how much of a top part of a tread sprite is "cut off" relative to the pattern; this is corrected for |
|segments|int|0|number of independent segments |
|segmentMag|float|2.0|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|segmentScl|float|4.0|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|segmentPhase|float|5.0|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|segmentRotSpeed|float|1.0|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|segmentMaxRot|float|30.0|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|crawlSlowdown|float|0.5|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|crushDamage|float|0.0|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|crawlSlowdownFrac|float|0.55|magnitude of sine offset between segments |
|lifetime|float|300.0|lifetime of this missile. |
|homingDelay|float|10.0|ticks that must pass before this missile starts homing. |
|baseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|legRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
|previewRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|shadowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|cellRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|itemCircleRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|softShadowRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|jointRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|footRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|legBaseRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|baseJointRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|outlineRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|treadRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|wreckRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|segmentRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|segmentOutlineRegions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
|treadRegions|TextureRegion[][]|null| |
## ErekirUnitType
*extends [UnitType](#unittype)*
Config class for special Erekir unit properties.
## MissileUnitType
*extends [UnitType](#unittype)*
Field template for unit types. No new functionality.
## NeoplasmUnitType
*extends [UnitType](#unittype)*
This is just a preset. Contains no new behavior.
## TankUnitType
*extends [ErekirUnitType](#erekirunittype)*
# Weather
## Weather
*extends [UnlockableContent](#unlockablecontent)*
|duration|float|36000.0|Default duration of this weather event in ticks. |
|opacityMultiplier|float|1.0| |
|attrs|Attributes|new Attributes()| |
|sound|Sound|none| |
|soundVol|float|0.1| |
|soundVolMin|float|0.0| |
|soundVolOscMag|float|0.0| |
|soundVolOscScl|float|20.0| |
|hidden|boolean|false| |
|type|Prov|WeatherState::create| |
|status|StatusEffect|none| |
|statusDuration|float|120.0| |
|statusAir|boolean|true| |
|statusGround|boolean|true| |
## MagneticStorm
*extends [Weather](#weather)*
## ParticleWeather
*extends [Weather](#weather)*
|particleRegion|String|"circle-shadow"| |
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
|yspeed|float|-2.0| |
|xspeed|float|0.25| |
|padding|float|16.0| |
|sizeMin|float|2.4| |
|sizeMax|float|12.0| |
|density|float|1200.0| |
|minAlpha|float|1.0| |
|maxAlpha|float|1.0| |
|force|float|0.0| |
|noiseScale|float|2000.0| |
|baseSpeed|float|6.1| |
|sinSclMin|float|30.0| |
|sinSclMax|float|80.0| |
|sinMagMin|float|1.0| |
|sinMagMax|float|7.0| |
|noiseColor|Color|ffffffff| |
|drawNoise|boolean|false| |
|drawParticles|boolean|true| |
|useWindVector|boolean|false| |
|randomParticleRotation|boolean|false| |
|noiseLayers|int|1| |
|noiseLayerSpeedM|float|1.1| |
|noiseLayerAlphaM|float|0.8| |
|noiseLayerSclM|float|0.99| |
|noiseLayerColorM|float|1.0| |
|noisePath|String|"noiseAlpha"| |
|noise|Texture|null| |
## RainWeather
*extends [Weather](#weather)*
|yspeed|float|5.0| |
|xspeed|float|1.5| |
|padding|float|16.0| |
|density|float|1200.0| |
|stroke|float|0.75| |
|sizeMin|float|8.0| |
|sizeMax|float|40.0| |
|splashTimeScale|float|22.0| |
|liquid|Liquid|water| |
|splashes|TextureRegion[]|[null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null]| |
|color|Color|7a95eaff| |
## SolarFlare
*extends [Weather](#weather)*
# Other
## Ability
*extends [Object](#object)*
|data|float|0.0| |
## ArmorPlateAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|plateRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|color|Color|d1efffff| |
|healthMultiplier|float|0.2| |
|z|float|110.0| |
## BuildWeapon
*extends [Weapon](#weapon)*
Purely visual turret. Does not shoot anything.
## DrawArcSmelt
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|flameColor|Color|f58349ff| |
|midColor|Color|f2d585ff| |
|flameRad|float|1.0| |
|circleSpace|float|2.0| |
|flameRadiusScl|float|3.0| |
|flameRadiusMag|float|0.3| |
|circleStroke|float|1.5| |
|alpha|float|0.68| |
|particles|int|25| |
|particleLife|float|40.0| |
|particleRad|float|7.0| |
|particleStroke|float|1.1| |
|particleLen|float|3.0| |
|drawCenter|boolean|true| |
|blending|Blending|additive| |
## DrawBlurSpin
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
|blurRegion|TextureRegion|null| |
|suffix|String|""| |
|rotateSpeed|float|1.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|blurThresh|float|0.7| |
## DrawBubbles
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|color|Color|7457ceff| |
|amount|int|12| |
|sides|int|8| |
|strokeMin|float|0.2| |
|spread|float|3.0| |
|timeScl|float|30.0| |
|recurrence|float|6.0| |
|radius|float|3.0| |
|fill|boolean|false| |
## DrawCells
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|middle|TextureRegion|null| |
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|particleColorFrom|Color|000000ff| |
|particleColorTo|Color|000000ff| |
|particles|int|12| |
|range|float|4.0| |
|recurrence|float|6.0| |
|radius|float|3.0| |
|lifetime|float|60.0| |
## DrawCircles
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|color|Color|7457ceff| |
|amount|int|5| |
|sides|int|15| |
|strokeMin|float|0.2| |
|strokeMax|float|2.0| |
|timeScl|float|160.0| |
|radius|float|12.0| |
|radiusOffset|float|0.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|strokeInterp|Interp|pow3In| |
## DrawCrucibleFlame
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|flameColor|Color|f58349ff| |
|midColor|Color|f2d585ff| |
|flameRad|float|1.0| |
|circleSpace|float|2.0| |
|flameRadiusScl|float|10.0| |
|flameRadiusMag|float|0.6| |
|circleStroke|float|1.5| |
|alpha|float|0.5| |
|particles|int|30| |
|particleLife|float|70.0| |
|particleRad|float|7.0| |
|particleSize|float|3.0| |
|fadeMargin|float|0.4| |
|rotateScl|float|1.5| |
|particleInterp|Interp|5f)| |
## DrawCultivator
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|plantColor|Color|5541b1ff| |
|plantColorLight|Color|7457ceff| |
|bottomColor|Color|474747ff| |
|bubbles|int|12| |
|sides|int|8| |
|strokeMin|float|0.2| |
|spread|float|3.0| |
|timeScl|float|70.0| |
|recurrence|float|6.0| |
|radius|float|3.0| |
|middle|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawDefault
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
## DrawFade
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|suffix|String|"-top"| |
|alpha|float|0.6| |
|scale|float|3.0| |
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawFlame
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|flameColor|Color|ffc999ff| |
|top|TextureRegion|null| |
|lightRadius|float|60.0| |
|lightAlpha|float|0.65| |
|lightSinScl|float|10.0| |
|lightSinMag|float|5.0| |
|flameRadius|float|3.0| |
|flameRadiusIn|float|1.9| |
|flameRadiusScl|float|5.0| |
|flameRadiusMag|float|2.0| |
|flameRadiusInMag|float|1.0| |
## DrawFrames
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|frames|int|3|Number of frames to draw. |
|interval|float|5.0|Ticks between frames. |
|sine|boolean|true|If true, frames wil alternate back and forth in a sine wave. |
|regions|TextureRegion[]|null| |
## DrawGlowRegion
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|blending|Blending|additive| |
|suffix|String|"-glow"| |
|alpha|float|0.9| |
|glowScale|float|10.0| |
|glowIntensity|float|0.5| |
|rotateSpeed|float|0.0| |
|layer|float|31.0| |
|rotate|boolean|false| |
|color|Color|ff0000ff| |
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawHeatInput
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|suffix|String|"-heat"| |
|heatColor|Color|ff3838cc| |
|heatPulse|float|0.3| |
|heatPulseScl|float|10.0| |
|heat|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawHeatOutput
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|heat|TextureRegion|null| |
|glow|TextureRegion|null| |
|top1|TextureRegion|null| |
|top2|TextureRegion|null| |
|heatColor|Color|ff3838cc| |
|heatPulse|float|0.3| |
|heatPulseScl|float|10.0| |
|glowMult|float|1.2| |
## DrawHeatRegion
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|color|Color|ff3838cc| |
|pulse|float|0.3| |
|pulseScl|float|10.0| |
|heat|TextureRegion|null| |
|suffix|String|"-glow"| |
## DrawLiquidOutputs
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
This must be used in conjunction with another DrawBlock; it only draws outputs.
|liquidOutputRegions|TextureRegion[][]|null| |
## DrawLiquidRegion
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|drawLiquid|Liquid|null| |
|liquid|TextureRegion|null| |
|suffix|String|"-liquid"| |
|alpha|float|1.0| |
## DrawLiquidTile
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|drawLiquid|Liquid|null| |
|padding|float|0.0| |
|alpha|float|1.0| |
## DrawMulti
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
combined several DrawBlocks into one
|drawers|DrawBlock[]|[]| |
## DrawMultiWeave
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|weave|TextureRegion|null| |
|glow|TextureRegion|null| |
|rotateSpeed|float|1.0| |
|rotateSpeed2|float|-0.9| |
|glowColor|Color|ff6666cc| |
|pulse|float|0.3| |
|pulseScl|float|10.0| |
## DrawParticles
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|color|Color|f2d585ff| |
|alpha|float|0.5| |
|particles|int|30| |
|particleLife|float|70.0| |
|particleRad|float|7.0| |
|particleSize|float|3.0| |
|fadeMargin|float|0.4| |
|rotateScl|float|3.0| |
|reverse|boolean|false| |
|particleInterp|Interp|5f)| |
|particleSizeInterp|Interp|slope| |
|blending|Blending|normal| |
## DrawPistons
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|sinMag|float|4.0| |
|sinScl|float|6.0| |
|sinOffset|float|50.0| |
|sideOffset|float|0.0| |
|lenOffset|float|-1.0| |
|sides|int|4| |
|region1|TextureRegion|null| |
|region2|TextureRegion|null| |
|regiont|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawPulseShape
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|color|Color|ffd37fff| |
|stroke|float|2.0| |
|timeScl|float|100.0| |
|minStroke|float|0.2| |
|radiusScl|float|1.0| |
|layer|float|-1.0| |
|square|boolean|true| |
## DrawPumpLiquid
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|liquid|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawRegion
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Not standalone.
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
|suffix|String|""| |
|spinSprite|boolean|false| |
|drawPlan|boolean|true| |
|rotateSpeed|float|0.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|layer|float|-1.0|Any number <=0 disables layer changes. |
## DrawShape
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|color|Color|ffd37fff| |
|sides|int|4| |
|radius|float|2.0| |
|timeScl|float|1.0| |
|layer|float|-1.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|useWarmupRadius|boolean|false| |
## DrawSideRegion
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|top1|TextureRegion|null| |
|top2|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawSpikes
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|color|Color|7457ceff| |
|amount|int|10| |
|layers|int|1| |
|stroke|float|2.0| |
|rotateSpeed|float|0.8| |
|radius|float|6.0| |
|length|float|4.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|layerSpeed|float|-1.0| |
## DrawTurbines
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|turbines|TextureRegion[]|[null, null]| |
|cap|TextureRegion|null| |
|turbineSpeed|float|2.0| |
## DrawTurret
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
Extend to implement custom drawing behavior for a turret.
|parts|Seq|new Seq<>()| |
|basePrefix|String|""|Prefix to use when loading base region. |
|liquidDraw|Liquid|null|Overrides the liquid to draw in the liquid region. |
|base|TextureRegion|null| |
|liquid|TextureRegion|null| |
|top|TextureRegion|null| |
|heat|TextureRegion|null| |
|preview|TextureRegion|null| |
|outline|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawWarmupRegion
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|sinMag|float|0.6| |
|sinScl|float|8.0| |
|color|Color|ff9b59ff| |
|region|TextureRegion|null| |
## DrawWeave
*extends [DrawBlock](#drawblock)*
|weave|TextureRegion|null| |
## EnergyFieldAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|damage|float|1.0| |
|reload|float|100.0| |
|range|float|60.0| |
|healEffect|Effect|heal| |
|hitEffect|Effect|hitLaserBlast| |
|damageEffect|Effect|chainLightning| |
|status|StatusEffect|electrified| |
|shootSound|Sound|spark| |
|statusDuration|float|360.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|targetGround|boolean|true| |
|targetAir|boolean|true| |
|hitBuildings|boolean|true| |
|hitUnits|boolean|true| |
|maxTargets|int|25| |
|healPercent|float|3.0| |
|layer|float|99.999| |
|blinkScl|float|20.0| |
|blinkSize|float|0.1| |
|effectRadius|float|5.0| |
|sectorRad|float|0.14| |
|rotateSpeed|float|0.5| |
|sectors|int|5| |
|color|Color|98ffa9ff| |
|useAmmo|boolean|true| |
## ForceFieldAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|radius|float|60.0|Shield radius. |
|regen|float|0.1|Shield regen speed in damage/tick. |
|max|float|200.0|Maximum shield. |
|cooldown|float|300.0|Cooldown after the shield is broken, in ticks. |
## LiquidExplodeAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|liquid|Liquid|water| |
|amount|float|120.0| |
|radAmountScale|float|5.0| |
|radScale|float|1.0| |
|noiseMag|float|6.5| |
|noiseScl|float|5.0| |
## LiquidRegenAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|liquid|Liquid|null| |
|slurpSpeed|float|9.0| |
|regenPerSlurp|float|2.9| |
|slurpEffectChance|float|0.4| |
|slurpEffect|Effect|heal| |
## MoveEffectAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|minVelocity|float|0.08| |
|interval|float|3.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|rotateEffect|boolean|false| |
|effectParam|float|3.0| |
|teamColor|boolean|false| |
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|effect|Effect|missileTrail| |
## MoveLightningAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|damage|float|35.0|Lightning damage |
|chance|float|0.15|Chance of firing every tick. Set >= 1 to always fire lightning every tick at max speed |
|length|int|12|Length of the lightning. <= 0 to disable |
|minSpeed|float|0.8|Speeds for when to start lightninging and when to stop getting faster |
|maxSpeed|float|1.2|Speeds for when to start lightninging and when to stop getting faster |
|color|Color|a9d8ffff|Lightning color |
|y|float|0.0|Shifts where the lightning spawns along the Y axis |
|x|float|0.0|Offset along the X axis |
|alternate|boolean|true|Whether the spawn side alternates |
|heatRegion|String|"error"|Jittering heat sprite like the shield on v5 Javelin |
|bullet|BulletType|null|Bullet type that is fired. Can be null |
|bulletAngle|float|0.0|Bullet angle parameters |
|bulletSpread|float|0.0|Bullet angle parameters |
|shootEffect|Effect|sparkShoot| |
|parentizeEffects|boolean|false| |
|shootSound|Sound|spark| |
## RegenAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|percentAmount|float|0.0|Amount healed as percent per tick. |
|amount|float|0.0|Amount healed as a flat amount per tick. |
## RepairFieldAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|amount|float|1.0| |
|reload|float|100.0| |
|range|float|60.0| |
|healEffect|Effect|heal| |
|activeEffect|Effect|healWaveDynamic| |
|parentizeEffects|boolean|false| |
## UnitSpawnAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|unit|UnitType|null| |
|spawnTime|float|60.0| |
|spawnX|float|0.0| |
|spawnY|float|0.0| |
|spawnEffect|Effect|spawn| |
|parentizeEffects|boolean|false| |
## Weapon
*extends [Object](#object)*
|name|String|__typeofWeapon|displayed weapon region |
|bullet|BulletType|placeholder|bullet shot |
|ejectEffect|Effect|none|shell ejection effect |
|useAmmo|boolean|true|whether to consume ammo when ammo is enabled in rules |
|mirror|boolean|true|whether to create a flipped copy of this weapon upon initialization. default: true |
|flipSprite|boolean|false|whether to flip the weapon's sprite when rendering |
|alternate|boolean|true|whether to shoot the weapons in different arms one after another, rather than all at once; only valid when mirror = true |
|rotate|boolean|false|whether to rotate toward the target independently of unit |
|baseRotation|float|0.0|rotation at which this weapon is locked to if rotate = false. TODO buggy! |
|top|boolean|true|whether to draw the outline on top. |
|continuous|boolean|false|whether to hold the bullet in place while firing |
|controllable|boolean|true|whether this weapon can be aimed manually by players |
|autoTarget|boolean|false|whether to automatically target relevant units in update(); only works when controllable = false. |
|predictTarget|boolean|true|whether to perform target trajectory prediction |
|targetInterval|float|40.0|ticks to wait in-between targets |
|targetSwitchInterval|float|70.0|ticks to wait in-between targets |
|rotateSpeed|float|20.0|rotation speed of weapon when rotation is enabled, in degrees/t |
|reload|float|1.0|weapon reload in frames |
|inaccuracy|float|0.0|inaccuracy of degrees of each shot |
|shake|float|0.0|intensity and duration of each shot's screen shake |
|recoil|float|1.5|visual weapon knockback. |
|recoilTime|float|-1.0|time taken for weapon to return to starting position in ticks. uses reload time by default |
|recoilPow|float|1.8|power curve applied to visual recoil |
|cooldownTime|float|20.0|ticks to cool down the heat region |
|shootX|float|0.0|projectile/effect offsets from center of weapon |
|shootY|float|3.0|projectile/effect offsets from center of weapon |
|x|float|5.0|offsets of weapon position on unit |
|y|float|0.0|offsets of weapon position on unit |
|shoot|ShootPattern|new ShootPattern()|pattern used for bullets |
|shadow|float|-1.0|radius of shadow drawn under the weapon; <0 to disable |
|velocityRnd|float|0.0|fraction of velocity that is random |
|shootCone|float|5.0|The half-radius of the cone in which shooting will start. |
|rotationLimit|float|361.0|Cone in which the weapon can rotate relative to its mount. |
|minWarmup|float|0.0|minimum weapon warmup before firing (this is not linear, do NOT use 1!) |
|shootWarmupSpeed|float|0.1|lerp speed for shoot warmup, only used for parts |
|smoothReloadSpeed|float|0.15|lerp speed for shoot warmup, only used for parts |
|soundPitchMin|float|0.8|random sound pitch range |
|soundPitchMax|float|1.0|random sound pitch range |
|ignoreRotation|boolean|false|whether shooter rotation is ignored when shooting. |
|noAttack|boolean|false|If true, this weapon cannot be used to attack targets. |
|minShootVelocity|float|-1.0|min velocity required for this weapon to shoot |
|parentizeEffects|boolean|false|should the shoot effects follow the unit (effects need followParent set to true for this to work) |
|otherSide|int|-1|internal value used for alternation - do not change! |
|layerOffset|float|0.0|draw Z offset relative to the default value |
|shootSound|Sound|pew|sound used for shooting |
|chargeSound|Sound|none|sound used for weapons that have a delay |
|noAmmoSound|Sound|noammo|sound played when there is nothing to shoot |
|region|TextureRegion|null|displayed region (autoloaded) |
|heatRegion|TextureRegion|null|heat region, must be same size as region (optional) |
|cellRegion|TextureRegion|null|cell region, must be same size as region (optional) |
|outlineRegion|TextureRegion|null|outline region to display if top is false |
|heatColor|Color|ab3400ff|heat region tint |
|shootStatus|StatusEffect|none|status effect applied when shooting |
|mountType|Func|WeaponMount::new|type of weapon mount to be used |
|shootStatusDuration|float|300.0|status effect duration when shot |
|shootOnDeath|boolean|false|whether this weapon should fire when its owner dies |
|parts|Seq|class)|extra animated parts |
## PointDefenseWeapon
*extends [Weapon](#weapon)*
Note that this requires several things:
- A bullet with positive maxRange
- A bullet with positive damage
- Rotation
|color|Color|ffffffff| |
|beamEffect|Effect|pointBeam| |
## RepairBeamWeapon
*extends [Weapon](#weapon)*
Note that this weapon requires a bullet with a positive maxRange.
Rotation must be set to true. Fixed repair points are not supported.
|targetBuildings|boolean|false| |
|targetUnits|boolean|true| |
|repairSpeed|float|0.3| |
|fractionRepairSpeed|float|0.0| |
|beamWidth|float|1.0| |
|pulseRadius|float|6.0| |
|pulseStroke|float|2.0| |
|widthSinMag|float|0.0| |
|widthSinScl|float|4.0| |
|recentDamageMultiplier|float|0.1| |
|laser|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserTop|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserTopEnd|TextureRegion|null| |
|laserColor|Color|98ffa9ff| |
|laserTopColor|Color|ffffffff| |
|healColor|Color|98ffa9ff| |
|healEffect|Effect|healBlockFull| |
## ShieldArcAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|radius|float|60.0|Shield radius. |
|regen|float|0.1|Shield regen speed in damage/tick. |
|max|float|200.0|Maximum shield. |
|cooldown|float|300.0|Cooldown after the shield is broken, in ticks. |
|angle|float|80.0|Angle of shield arc. |
|angleOffset|float|0.0|Offset parameters for shield. |
|x|float|0.0|Offset parameters for shield. |
|y|float|0.0|Offset parameters for shield. |
|whenShooting|boolean|true|If true, only activates when shooting. |
|width|float|6.0|Width of shield line. |
|drawArc|boolean|true|Whether to draw the arc line. |
|region|String|null|If not null, will be drawn on top. |
|offsetRegion|boolean|false|If true, sprite position will be influenced by x/y. |
## ShieldRegenFieldAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|amount|float|1.0| |
|max|float|100.0| |
|reload|float|100.0| |
|range|float|60.0| |
|applyEffect|Effect|shieldApply| |
|activeEffect|Effect|shieldWave| |
|parentizeEffects|boolean|false| |
## StatusFieldAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|effect|StatusEffect|null| |
|duration|float|60.0| |
|reload|float|100.0| |
|range|float|20.0| |
|applyEffect|Effect|none| |
|activeEffect|Effect|overdriveWave| |
|effectX|float|0.0| |
|effectY|float|0.0| |
|parentizeEffects|boolean|false| |
## SuppressionFieldAbility
*extends [Ability](#ability)*
|reload|float|90.0| |
|range|float|200.0| |
|orbRadius|float|4.1| |
|orbMidScl|float|0.33| |
|orbSinScl|float|8.0| |
|orbSinMag|float|1.0| |
|color|Color|a393feff| |
|layer|float|110.0| |
|x|float|0.0| |
|y|float|0.0| |
|particles|int|15| |
|particleSize|float|4.0| |
|particleLen|float|7.0| |
|rotateScl|float|3.0| |
|particleLife|float|110.0| |
|active|boolean|true| |
|particleInterp|Interp|apply(f))| |
|particleColor|Color|665c9fff| |
|applyParticleChance|float|13.0| |